big baked rice

so in chinese.. it translates out to Portugese style chicken baked rice. Its a classic favourite at Hong Kong style cafe joints and my brother and I gave it a try.

macanese coconut curry chicken baked rice

macanese coconut curry chicken baked rice

i referenced Sunflower's Food Galore's recipe to get an idea, and i suspect if you have the combination of curry and coconut milk for the sauce you can't go very wrong with this dish. It turned out great! very tasty, not too salty or spicy but still very flavourful and not too rich. We cut up chunks of carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and onion and even added black olives. Chicken and shrimp round out this dish and of course fried rice underneath! This is a classic dish of Macau which is adjacent to Hong Kong in China. Macau was a colony of Portugal, hence the influence in this dish.

And yes, this is on list of things to make with May


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