tomato beet broth

this has become one of our favourite comfort meals to make, cuz its easy, tasty and super healthy. It is also coincidentally one of the first meals we've cooked together since May has come home.. swe made it for my family at my family's house.

tomato beet stew

its very simple to make! start off by creating a broth composed of 4 medium potatos, 3 medium beets, 2 large carrots, 2 corn on the cob, 1 onion all chopped into large chunks. add a veggie or chicken broth for added flavour but water to cover will work just fine. bay leaf, whole peppercorns, and sriracha chili sauce for added heat to your taste. This should shimmer for about 30-25mins or until the beets, carrots and potatoes are soft. add a can of whole tomatoes to round out the soup. then adding a meat of your choice: in this photo you'll see whole shrimp and sliced chicken, but we've typically put whole salmon fillets in the past.

That's it! it should be pretty fool proof, and feel free to add and exchange things, but i think what makes this soup unique is the beets, tomato and potato base. In the photo above you'll also notice that in this particular soup we added watercress and basil rigth before serving.

have fun and enjoy! oh ps. tonight may and I are goign to cook our first serious dinner together in our new place since she's been back! see you at fiesta farms!


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