mexican guavas

once again, how am i to compete with the good food may's having? i'm so jealous. all her food photos make me so hungry.

mexican guava

so william and I went to "foody mart" this chinese supermarket that opened another location up at McCowan and 16th. Clean, and cheaper than the popular T & T. I wasn't really needing to buy much so i found myself looking at all the weird fruits and veggies. here are mexican guavas

mexican guava

i got three of them just out of curiosity as they were $2.99 lb. one was what i considered riper than the other two (the yellow one). I thought maybe we could use these to make ice cream/sorbet like may and I did all summer. Its possible but i'd be very expensive. All the seeds you see on the inside are inedible and at the end of the day its not worth the work for the little bit of enjoyment in the juicy flesh. Maybe if we bought a whole box of them.. peeled them, cooked them.. then strained away the seeds we migth be able to make some ice cream, but then it'd be super expensive. The guava taste was good.. but not as good as the ones in Hawaii


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