Overnight Oats

If you've read my 'benefits of breakfast' post then you'll already know about the fantastic health benefits of a good breakfast.. my personal favourite is porridge (or oatmeal for you US readers!). In the summer though, I find hot milk too warm and so I turn to 'overnight oats' for my oat & fruit pick-me-up!

Overnight oats are 'oh so' simple to make .. you simply mix together milk, yoghurt and oats and leave the mixture overnight in a fridge. The oats soak up the moisture which makes them perfect to eat the next day. Why not try the following toppings (just add them in the morning!) ..

  • Chopped banana & cinnamon
  • Blueberries & poppy seeds
  • Chopped peach & brown sugar
  • Sliced strawberries & walnuts
  • Grated apple (bircher style!)

Sound tempting? Here's what you will need and step-by-step what to do!

  • 2/3 cup (160ml) Almond Milk (any milk will work though!)
  • 1/2 cup (40g) Porridge Oats
  • 1/2 cup (100g/125ml) Vanilla or Fat Free Greek Yogurt
  • A pinch of Cinnamon

  • 1) The night before mix together the above ingredients - I mix mine in an air tight jar for ease!

    I love measuring cups as they make measuring ingredients super quick - I got mine from eBay!

    Mix !!
    2) Refrigerate overnight... cover the mixture to make an air tight seal (you could use clingfilm)

    Overnight oats with banana and cinnamon

    The oats take a minimum or 3 hours before they're ready..

    3) Wait for morning time, add your chosen ingredients and enjoy!

    Cheesy Pic..

    So there you have it, porridge in the winter and overnight oats in the summer.. I just can't get enough of those whole grains :)

    Overnight oats with frozen blueberries & poppy seeds

    Nutrition Per Serving: 244 Kcal, 16g Protein, 37g Carbs, 5g Fat*
    (Above excludes toppings)
    Nutritional Benefits: Rich in soluble fibre & beta-glucan (to lower LDL-cholesterol), high in protein (to help keep you fuller longer)

    For other healthy breakfast ideas [click here] !

    Nic x
    *Nutritional information provided by Firecracker


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