This is what Lacy's monitoring trace looked like yesterday:

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet was just fine and dandy.  Lacy... NO CONTRACTIONS.... until last night at around 9pm!  *** If there is no other 'news' about baby after this... it means we are at the hospital cos Lacy finally went into labour.... ON HER OWN.***  

Stew is staying at home with Brylee and Griffin today while I'm at the hospital with Lacy.

Our DIL Tess, in Australia, is still hanging in there... she may even make it to her scheduled C-Section day... the 19th of July!



Lacy had sporadic but nasty contractions from 9pm last night until 2am this morning, so at 2am we went to the hospital.
Her contractions virtually STOPPED When we got there!

So Debs her midwife hooked her up to the inducing drugs at 4am... and it was all go from then on.
Lacy had contractions every 5 minutes until 6am... then it was PUSH TIME.

This is where it got really EXCITING FOR ME!

Once baby's head was clearly emerging... Debs said "Come on Grandma, you can do this!"
So I got in there (with gloves on of course) and guided baby's head out....

Then NOTHING.  Baby was going BLUE.... so Debs took over and freed one of Baby's shoulders as she was stuck... then I took over again and welcomed Miss Muppet into our world at 6.32am!

I delivered her then passed her up to Lacy for skin on skin bonding time.

I cut baby's cord too.

OMG it was AWESOME.  I will NEVER forget this experience my whole life.

Lacy and Miss Muppet are now at the Birthing unit. 

KEERA LAURA CHRISTINA H was 8 pounds 3 ounces and 52cm long!  

And shortly I will be going to get better acquainted with my NEW BED... which I have spent a grand total of 5 hours in over the past 48 hours!

I will now download all the photos I took and put them on here once I've picked some...

ABOVE: ouchy! 

ABOVE: hooked up to the drugs and monitors...


ABOVE:  skin on skin... so cute.

ABOVE:  Keera's first bottle.  (Breastfeeding not an option)  Lacy's PERSONAL CHOICE, not for any MEDICAL reason.

ABOVE:  Getting weighed... she's a really good, healthy size and length.

ABOVE: Getting the once over... she's perfect.

ABOVE:  Lacy and her daughter Keera (formerly known as Miss Muppet)  Her name is pronounced Keira as in Keira Knightly the actress.

 ABOVE:  all ready for her first car trip at 3 hours old, when we transferred Lacy and babe to the Birthing Unit for a few days.

ABOVE:  The girls ... safe at the birthing unit.

*HI*...  from a sleepy, but VERY happy me.
I got about 3 hours sleep ... and now it's time to go and visit the girls.  And grab some sushi for Lacy... she's been hanging out for sushi!  Ya not supposed to eat in during pregnancy... so it will be a treat for her.

I can't wait to see what Brylee and Griffin think of their new sister.

So... we have all been and visited Lacy and Keera... the kids think she's just adorable.
Lacy has not had a sleep yet, she's too hyped up and can't stop looking at her baby.
It's so cute to see.

I'm going up again tonight with Steve, then I will be getting in me bed and having a full night's sleep.

WINNERS of my little 'competition':

ASHLEE:  You got the correct weight, bang on!

COFFEE SLUT: you got the day and closest to time.. you were only ONE MINUTE OUT!

Please send me your address's so I can post your prize.  Email stewandchris@hotmail.com

Stew and I visited Lacy and Keera again this evening to drop off a few things she needed.  Steve is going to wait and go visit tomorrow night with Bex.

End of Day:... guess where I am going now?
You betcha... BED.
Thank You all for your congrats, Lacy and her family (that be us, lol) really appreciate it.
nite nite.


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