Champagne Girl of the Week: Charlotte Lynham of Bespoke RSVP

There is something about Champagne that bonds those that love it. It's this underlying shared obsession that goes far beyond the drink itself. We understand the experience of Champagne. The ritual that goes along with popping a beautiful, effervescent bottle. The way it feels to pour a glass and watch it brim with pearly white bubbles. The sounds of two glasses clinking together and finding reasons to toast to all of the amazing things that make life so magical. 

When Charlotte and I connected over Twitter, I knew she was my kinda girl. Self-professed Champaholic, never seen without a glass, and a lover of all things luxurious. Plus, she knows every 80's song ever created. Who actually knows Go West?!? I flew to London a few weeks ago and Charlotte and I had the chance to take on the town. We talked all things bubbly,but I also got to know a little bit more about her company, Bespoke RSVP. When I learned that she had left her corporate gig to go off and follow her passion and launch her own brand, I immediately knew she was even more of a Champagne Girl than I had first realized. I got the chance to ask her some questions and find out more about what makes "Champagne Charlie" tick. Here's to our Champagne Girl of the Week, Charlotte Lynham!

TCD: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

CL: I am an experienced financial & legal specialist; and have worked for a number of prestigious & luxury companies including Christies Auction House, and LVMH/Moet Hennessy UK Ltd.  I am also an Ambassador for, a unique company that prides itself on offering the best in grower Champagne.

I am a self-confessed foodie, serial Twitter user; like to think myself as a ‘Girl about Town’, ‘Fashionista’ and a ‘Philanthropist' and as such is the Executive Editor for The BespokeBlog which is for members of BespokeRSVP & other sophisticated professionals. Reviews luxury restaurants, haute-couture, art & culture and exclusive travel destinations.

I enjoy good food, fine wine & champagne, socializing with my friends and family and traveling: hoping to be back in the States this year to see friends in NYC and LA.

TCD: What inspired you to launch BespokeRSVP?

CL: I had the idea years ago, but my friend, and business partner contacted me last year as he had a similar idea, we had a few cocktails and BespokeRSVP was born.  We both have worked in the luxury hospitality industry for years, so we spoke to the people we knew and everyone liked our idea, soon the idea grew into a company, then a online magazine, now we are partnered with many companies running events, running our own and also we are branching out to corporate events.  It is a great feeling to know all the hard work is for your own benefit, the results achieved are personal gains as well as helping the company grow.  I hope 2012 is the year of BespokeRSVP.

TCD: How did you go about making the switch from a corporate job to an entrepreneurial lifestyle?

CL: I did not find it that hard, I am a very hard worker so even though as an entrepreneur I don’t have core hours per say I work hard, every day, even the weekends, as I want BespokeRSVP and The BespokeBlog to thrive.  In some ways it is better as I have the freedom to attend meetings, meet clients, and organize events to my own schedule.  When I worked in an office and had to do BespokeRSVP in the evening, which was very tiring and difficult.

TCD: Where are your favorite places to eat & drink in London?

CL: Well where do I start?

To eat: Goodmans of London or Hawksmoor, best steak in town; One-o-One, great seafood; Amaranto at The Four Seasons, fabulous Italian food and amazing wine list; Koffmans at The Berkeley, mouth watering French food; Heinz Beck at The Lansborough, award winning cuisine and The Lawn Bistro, my friend and Non Executive Director of BespokeRSVP, Ollie Couillaud, owns it, soul food!

To drink: Love hotel bars so cocktails and champagne at The Langham, The Connaught, Bar Boulud at The Mandarin, The Lanesborough, Four Seasons Park Lane, The Dorchester, Bonds Bar at Threadneedles, Light Bar at St Martins Lane Hotel, Purple Bar at The Sanderson, Blakes Hotel and Galvin @ Windows Park Lane Hilton.

TCD: Favorite Champagne?

CL: This is a tough question but I like Dom Ruinart, especially the rose, also enjoy Billecart Salmon, Louis Roederer and grower champagnes like those sold by French Bubbles, especially the Lacroix Vintage 2005

TCD: What's your life mantra?

CL: Do something everyday that scares you.
Life is too short to sit back and let it happen, I like to live everyday to the full, I do not like the idea of “what ifs” or “I wish I’d done that”.  The world stops for no man (or woman).

Charlotte Lynham can be found online as below:

Web: BespokeRSVP Ltd
Blog:  The BespokeBlog
Twitter: @BespokeRSVP & @TheBespokeBlog and @xCharlieAngelx
Linkedin: BespokeRSVP Ltd
Facebook: BespokeRSVP Ltd & The BespokeBlog