break me off a peice of that

...kit kat bar! do you remember those commercials?

break me off a peice of that

I doubt May would know about those commercials having not grown up here.. i'll have to ask her, but if you haven't seen them or want to bring back some childhood memories check it out here. She's currently in Seattle, on a little family trip. Expect some awesome pike place public market photos from her, i love that market. May came back to Toronto last week and now is on the west coast to visit for a week. Then next week she'll be back and we'll be back living downtown Toronto! wuhoo! I can't wait to settle in with her again.

Weither she saw these kit kat commercials as a kid or not, this chocolate bar found its way to her because its by far her favourite chocolate treat. In fact its one of the first things i found out about her and i've been buying them for her since. She's not alone, because Nestle actually has a plant in Japan that makes official limited edition Kit Kat bars of various wild and crazy flavours. We never really treasured them beyond the yummyness of them and would buy them from Chinese candy stores here in Markham, until one of the shopkeepers told us about the rareity of these products. I think we only see them here in Markham because of the large chocolate hungry asian populations we have. We've eaten without really appreciating as much as we do now flavours such as Red tea, Sakura Flower, Strawberry, Hazelnut, Red Bean and Green tea to name a few. Above in the photo you'll see our recent finds: Almond cookie, Ginger Ale, some weird japanese desert flavour, and Cherry (with 3 free j pop mp3 downloads i should add). We've only tried the ginger ale so far, and that was just okay. I'm looking forward to the almond cookie! I hope it has a cookie crunch

So you might be wondering.. what we're going to do now that May is back in Toronto?.. and effectively we'll be having more 0.0000001 mile diets contradicting the 4417 mile diet we've been having for the past 4 months. We'll since the story of this blog has brought us closer and is very important to us, we're going to keep the name, but we'll be bringing you play by play action of our meals together as we'll be living and broadcasting our meals together right in the Annex here in Toronto! We want to thank everyone that has been visiting our blog, supporting us and we'll be bringing you more of our good eats in 2010! We'd love to hear about yours! Cheers!


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