hot pot!

okay i'm falling a little behind with my food posts. this was a hot pot night we had a little over a week ago and we invited richard and william over, hence all the food.

hot pot!

william brought over his hot plate and we used that as our centre peice heating element. here you see a wide selection of veggies (carrots, diakon, mushrooms, watercrest, spinach) meat (lamb, beef) seafood (fish balls, squid balls, shrimp) and various tofu. we hot potted for maybe 3 hours? and were absolutely stuffed! of course, we had a nice spicy, peanuty, salty sauce to accompany our hot pot items. yummy!

hot pot!

and with all that extra broth i made some tasty noodles the next day. i filtered all the bits and peices which left a nice clear light in colour, but full in depth broth.

not much hot potting left this season, get it in while you've got a chance!


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