spring things

i know you are all pretty excited about spring and the weather. May and I have been going out to eat more often.. and have been buying flowers for our place too!

vermcelli dish

I stayed in markham for one night last week and came back to find this delicious lunch. vermcelli with bak choi and chinese sausage with a light spicy sauce. yay!

harbord fish and chips

at the first sign of warmth, we bolted out to go try harbord's fish n' chips. we've heard good things before. my verdict is that the batter is amazing.. but everything could have been seasoned more. it was still a little too cold to be sitting outside.. but it was still fun =]


and in the continous quest to finish the bag of roti, we made quesadillias with leftover ham, red peppers, onions, sundried tomatoes and cheese


and we made our way to kay & young's for some fresh Ranaculus for our castle



happy spring everyone!


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