dufferin groves

We finally had a chance to drop by the Dufferin Groves Farmer's Market after all this time. Its only about a 20 minute walk from our place downtown, right across dufferin mall, on well.. dufferin st.

dufferin groves
there isn't a lot of vendors yet this early in the season, but i get the impression theres a lot more community support at this farmers market. it seems like a lot of people just drop by to hang out, grab a bowl of soup and just lay on the grass and chat with their neighbours. And i think that's really great, it doesn't always have to be about grabbing the food specialty or checking off your grocery list, it can also be a destination to meet a new friend, relax and enjoy.

dufferin groves
we definately relaxed and laid on the grass, but we also definately at some food. we got these organic red pepper tortilla pizzas ($1) some quiche thing ($1) and the last bottle of hibiscus flower juice ($3)

dufferin groves
Dufferin Groves i believe is one of the oldest community parks in the city and they have all kinds of intergrated programs within the perimeter. They have community gardens, two open air ovens as well as a children's playground space with a outdoor kitchen.

I hear every friday they have a community dinner where you come with $7 in hand for a healthy dinner serving to enjoy with your fellow duffering grovers. I'm sure we'll drop by soon for that. please click on the photos to check out more photos we took that day at the park.


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