random mash ups

hello there, haven't posted in a while. we've been all over the place this past week and here are some meals we've been mashing up randomly while trying to eat up our pantry

panko breaded chicken breast, tomatoes, boccocini, basil on pasta
we breaded chicken breast with panko that was on sale, then added boccocini, tomatoes, sauce on pasta with basil. no leftovers here, but definately a random mash up of things

egg spam on rice
we made this dish with some left over rice and stir fry and completed it with a slice of spam with a hole of a fried egg inside! oh and that's a left over shrimp on top.. haha (like i said, mash up)

antipasto ham sandwich and split pea soup
some split pea soup from a previous meal, with a sandwich where i added a good layer of antipasto that we bought from costco


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