I listed the four pups without a 'forever' home for sale yesterday.... now we wait and see how long it takes to sell them!
Fingers crossed it doesn't take too long... cos the longer they are here the harder it will be to part with them.  *sniff*

Andrew (son-in-law) is coming up today to see his sister... he's bringing Emily with him, so I get to see her for a couple of hours.

Andrew's sister lives in Wellington and is flying up with a friend to see the rugby game tomorrow night (Ireland Vs. Australia).  They are staying here with us, and we are going to the game with them.
Steve is going to babysit for us.  Yaaaa.  An outing without the kids. 

Today will be all about making my house SMELL nice!  Having 6 puppy's in the family room can cause just a few 'odours'... lol.  (my house smells like a kennel, let's get real!)

Oh and I better change the beds in Griffin's room so the two girls can use the room.
Griffin can sleep either on one of the couches or down in the garage on the spare bed.

If you want to check out my Puppy Listing on Tradme it's under:,  Pets & Animals - Dogs - Dogs - Bichons.  Mine is about the 12th one down, "Gorgeous Bichon/Shih Tzu Puppies".  If you do, let me know what you think of the Ad?


ABOVE:  Oh Crap!  I just remembered... I have a mammogram first thing this morning.  Oh joy.... don't ya just love being a GIRL?  *sigh*

BUSY!  Had the boob squish... all good there... raced home in time to be here when Andrew and Emily arrived.
AND... a lady to view one of the pups.. BRUISER is SOLD!  He is going to a lovely family with two small children over in west Auckland.  He's going to be the birthday present for their 5 year old son in early October.  I really like the lady so am feeling confident Bruiser is going to a lovely home.

Emily is asleep right now and Andrew has gone to pick up his sister and her friend from the airport.

Brylee and Griffin are due home soon too... so I better go...they are going to be VERY WET when they arrive home as it is pissing down!

EVERY time Andrew comes to our home, this is how he ends up:

 ABOVE:  clearly it's a hard life being father of a little bub!

ABOVE: yeah, you're cute I'm sure.

ABOVE:  our darling Emily.... who is now saying 'Dad, Dad, Dad' much to Amanda's disgust.
Typical.... all babies seem to say Dad first. 

End of Day:  our visitors helped me take lots of better photos of the pups for sale this afternoon.  I will put some of them on the blog tomorrow.
nite nite


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