I told you all the other day about needing to buy another car for Stew (Husband) to get him to and from work eh?
Well we have been working on getting the finance in place so we could do that.  It's looking good!  So maybe that is our three in a row of good luck?

Shame really, cos I would have much rather won LOTTO as our number three.  But still... at least we don't have to worry about how the man will get to work now. 

We still have the company car for another month or two, so I'm thinking Steve will be able to use Kermit the Viva in the meantime?  Will have to look into getting him listed as a driver on our insurance me thinks.  He already uses my Highlander on and off...

TODAY?  Well.. I'm not sure!
Perhaps I could have a go at putting those darts in the apron I made the other day to make it fit better?
Then maybe start on a wee girl's dress!  Now there's an idea...


I just spent 40 MINUTES on the phone organising insurance for the new car!  OMG... 40 bloody minutes!  AND it's going to cost an arm and a leg to insure it.... As Stew just said ... we need to look around and get prices on an alternative insurer as the one we are with now is SO EXPENSIVE!  It's going to cost over $100 A WEEK to cover our home/contents/and two cars.  *sigh*
I know it's a necessary evil... but still... 0ver $100 a week is daylight robbery!

ABOVE:  There is just NO WAY all the pups can fit along Coco's body now to feed.... so this is what they do!  That is Bruiser lying over Coco to feed!  Too funny.  I'm going to start trying them on Pro Plan Puppy food in a day or two... they will probably need it very soon as Coco is feeding them less often.

JAXX:  yes Coco will have another litter, but not for a year or so.  She will need to build up her condition again before we think about making her go through all that again.  It takes a lot out of the Mother dog to grow,  then feed pups.

As we have thoroughly enjoyed breeding (so far) I don't see why we wouldn't do it again!  It's been magical really... a really neat experience for the whole family.

Teddy still does not have much to do with the pups, he sniffs them but when they try to interact with him he backs away.  I think he's scared of getting 'told off' by Coco!  lol   Once the pups are running around in the family room I think we will have to monitor how he takes to them... he can be a bit stroppy ... so better safe than sorry.

Stew's use of the Company Car was not 'free'.. he had a large chunk of money taken out of his salary every year to cover the costs to the company.  Now we will be getting that money 'back' in the form of an increase in his pay. (that will cover the cost of purchasing the car and running it)

The car we are buying will be our own, not just for getting him to and from work... so we do not expect to 'charge' the company for his using it to get to work.

We will certainly investigate other insurance companies... Tracy thanks for that info.
It certainly is NOT the right time to be switching insurer's, but we will be looking into it to make sure we are not paying more than we need to.

TINA: Hindsight is a wonderful thing eh?  We got Teddy 18 months before we got Coco, and we had him NEUTERED as we did not want a 'humpy' boy dog as we had babies/toddlers in our house often.   Ikkk... humpy dogs and babies?  I think not.

End of Day:  Spare ribs marinated in Sticky Rib Marinade for 24 hours.  DELICIOUS.  That is all.
nite nite.


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