ABOVE:  Yes, I moved the bed in the garage again... it is much better here.  I can access it easily, I can lay stuff on it, I can make it easily too.  OH and just so ya know, it's a darn comfy bed!  I slept on it several nights in a row when I was coughing fit to kill.

ABOVE:  Someone asked me what it was like living on an 'island'?  New Zealand, where I live.  Yes, it's a country of two main islands, and quite a few smaller ones too.  It does not feel like living on an island... it's a bit bigger than you realise.  To drive from one side to the other (in the North Island) can take about 5-6 hours or so, depending on where you are starting and ending.

To drive from the top to the bottom of the North Island would take about 15-16 hours, as long as you went straight down the middle I think.  It's a long way.  It would take probably longer to go from the top of the South Island to the bottom of the South Island as it is more mountainous country.

We are fairly isolated from the majority of the worlds heavily populated countries, but we are not backward!  We are totally 'up to date' and do not run around in grass skirts!  lol
I love living here.  It's a safe place to live... we do not have to worry about a  lot of things that some people have to ... like civil wars, nuclear meltdowns, terrorism, droughts and the like.

TODAY is a super special day!!!
Tonight it's the FINAL of the RUGBY WORLD CUP, and I can't believe I am so excited about it!
Our country has been hosting the competition... and our team (The ALL BLACKS) are in the final.  We are playing against the French team.  OMG it is going to be a nail biting game to watch!
I am even going to get some nibbles and stuff to eat... so we don't chew our finger nails off!

NOTHING is a sure thing until the final whistle blows though....and so many of us need to remember that!


After a lovely sleep in we went out to the grocery shop and bought a heap of nibble type things for tonight.  Must have nibbles while watching the game!

We are expecting Amanda and Emily for the evening too... they will be staying overnight, so we get plenty of time to cluck over Emily! 

ABOVE:  Look who finally arrived!  


ABOVE:  Steve and his Emily....

Emily is right on the cusp of crawling... she can get off her bum and end up on hands and knees, but has no idea (yet) what comes next.   Her life is full of tantalisingly close things she wants, but can't quite reach.   You can see how much she wants to get there, but just doesn't have the co-ordination yet.... it won't be long!

End of Day:  just over an hour until THE GAME.  My diet has TOTALLY gone out the window today... I will resume 'normal' eating tomorrow! 
I will update with the final outcome of the game before I go to bed.
nite nite.

THE RESULT:  WE WON, but only just.  I didn't think our guys would win the way they played!  But they did.  INCREDIBLY CLOSE GAME.
Stew was beside himself with nerves towards the end of the game.  Me?  I hid in our room, I couldn't watch it.  I was so sure we would lose!


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