The phrase : 'No good deed goes unpunished' is a sardonic commentary on the frequency with which kindnesses backfire on those who offer it. In other words, because life is inherently unfair, those who help others are doomed to suffer as a result of their being helpful.

But we are prepared for a battle.  We will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in our power to make sure our kids are safe, protected and happy.

End of story.

TODAY:  I plan on taking the kids out so they can spend their pocket money.  Maybe lunch out. 

 We might need to get some legal advice, so getting in touch with a Family Law Lawyer is also high on my list of "to do's" today.

Here's some photos of yesterday's effort by Stew and Steve:

ABOVE:  before, no roof.

ABOVE:  Father and son... two hands make for a roof in no time! 

ABOVE: taaa daa!  Done.

ABOVE:  testing it for leaks.  It held up well.


I had to sleep on the couch last night.  Well... not much sleeping was had.   A lot of coughing and dry reaching actually.   NOT FUN.
Feel like death warmed up now.

Kids are sleeping in... which is nice. 

First and most important thing is done.  Waiting to hear back from a Family Law Firm in Papakura.

I had to tell the kids that we were not going out today afterall.  I feel way too ikkk to go anywhere.  They took it well.  Stew is going to be home Wed, Thurs and Friday, so we shall do a few 'special holiday things' then with them.

Spent the afternoon lying down on the couch.. If I get in just the right position I don't cough as much... which is great.   When I do cough now I'm getting nasty pains in my chest and back.  Stew suggested I go to the Dr, but in reality there is nothing he can do but prescribe cough mixture... and I've got lots of that already!

Just have to tough it out.  JOY.

Kids have been wonderful!  Very caring and considerate.  They ask me after every coughing fit if I'm alright!  Awwww.

End of Day:  I've run out of cough syrup!  Drat.  Might just have to go find an after hours chemist.... we need a new thermometer too... I'm sure I'm running a temp.  Can't use the one we have anymore... I used it on Coco!  Eeeew.


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