While walking through Chartwell Square yesterday in Hamilton I saw some gorgeous linen displayed on a bed.... and said "Ooo, that's nice".... then we proceeded on to have lunch.

BUT, on the way back to the car we had to pass that shop again, and I just could not resist!

ABOVE:  the new bed linen!  It's perfect for summer.  We even got some white, Egyptian cotton sheets.  OMG they feel so devine!  Kinda expensive, but hey, ya only live once eh?  (and they were on sale!)  SCORE.
Since taking this photo I have taken the bags on the stand away from that corner... it looks too cluttered.

A couple of weeks ago, when I was busy making all my granddaughters a summer dress, a lady I know in Wellington requested one for her daughter Rachel.  I wasn't sure if I would have the time to do one for her... but in the end as I was 'on a roll',  I decided to whip one up for her too.

ABOVE:  And here she is, wearing her dress from me... at her 5th Birthday Party!  Doesn't Rachel look just GORGEOUS!  The dress suits her so well.  I'm really chuffed now that I made it for her.

ABOVE:  here she is blowing Out her candles.  So cute. (photos used with her parent's permission)

TODAY:  I'm going down to Manukau to get some card in the right colours for Christmas Card making.... then I'm going to do what I didn't do yesterday:  make cards!


'CHUFFED' =  thrilled to bits!

Miss me?  lol
I've been rather busy cutting out card and fabric... I've still not finished that yet.
Once it is done I can get on with sewing the fabric to the card backings.... AND then the fun part begins!
Putting all the finishing touches to the card... that's the part I love the best.
Probably won't get to that part until the end of the week  *sigh*

Kids just got home from school... and are having their afternoon tea.   Hopefully they will play nicely while I'm busy.

Yaaa, the cutting out is done!  Tonight after dinner I will make a start on sewing the fabrics on the card.  That will probably take me a few days and nights.

Dinner tonight is left over beef and bacon stew with veges.  It's nice having some in the freezer already made!

BUGGER!  As I sat here and updated... the stew burnt.  Luckily I had some more... but I had to add tomatoes and mushrooms to make it stretch to feed all of us.  Grrrrrr.
I hate it when I waste perfectly good food.

End of Day:  dinner was so-so... you really had to look to find some beef!  OH well... it filled a gap.
Going to go do some sewing now... so
nite nite.


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