Today I was supposed to go to Botany to have lunch with Beastie Girl.... that would have been really nice.  But as Brylee is now coughing and coughing I shall have to keep her home, so I can't go out.   Damn.

Tonight Stew and I are off to see Jackie and Marty's new baby girl.... I can't wait to see her!  I adore babies.... I just go all ga ga over them! 

I bought her some cute wee clothes, and a really lovely soft toy giraffe:

ABOVE:  it's not that often I find a soft toy that I simply adore... but this giraffe is one of them. 

Right, off to do some housework, followed by some sewing I think.


ABOVE: meet Sofia Grace!   I was sent this photo by mobile phone, so it's not the best... but isn't she gorgeous!  A perfect wee girl.

I decided that since I was home all day I had time to make a Baby Card for Jackie....

ABOVE:  I'm pleased with how it came out.
Now it just has to dry.

Off to do something else... 

MARY H:  how silly can people be?  PC in overdrive.  I have two gollywog dolls in me car:

ABOVE:  Seriously, what is wrong with them?  They are gorgeous.

I have said I would not publish any more ANON comments a while ago... but I am finding the last few amusing!
ANON:  I see you still cannot spell.  Maybe I shall post you a dictionary for Christmas! 


MARY H:  too funny... GOOD ONE!  NO dictionary for you then!

Lacy, I know you are bored shitless, being stuck at home all day every day... being on Home Detention an' all.... but please stop leaving silly comments on my blog.  It's getting tiresome now.  Twice in one day is enough ok?  And yep, I am going to send you a dictionary!  RONG?  Wrong.

To everyone else, just ignore the silly comments.... even though I am publishing them!  It's just amusing is all... *smiles*

*** The dogs did not get to play with that giraffe... they had a quick sniff, that was all.  It's for a baby afterall! ***

I'm now off to put me face on before meeting Stew in town.  OOOO a night without kids... what a novelty!  Uncle Steve gets to babysit.  He does not mind at all ... we are so lucky.

End of Day:  well.... Sofia Grace is the spitting image of her brother!  Only the plumbing is different.  AMAZING .... and as her Dad said... "she is obviously ours"... lol!
When you do IVF I suppose in the back of your mind you must wonder if they put the right embryo back in!  *smiles*
Stew and I didn't stay out for dinner afterall.  I simply was not hungry... had a late lunch. 
Probably have a light supper much later on tonight.
nite nite.


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