Before Steve (son) came to live with us (again) Stew and I hardly ever watched comedy shows on TV.

But... as Steve watches most of the comedy shows on a Wednesday night, we have started watching too.

AND I must say... I have come to totally LOVE one in particular:


ABOVE:  I have to say I just love the actor who plays Sheldon!  He is AMAZING!  I also really like the actress who plays Penny.... so cute.  I wish now that I had been watching it from the start.

What one do you love the most (if any) ?

TODAY:  taking Griffin to his Speld lesson.  I have a feeling we will be paying for Speld lessons for YEARS.... *sigh*

While Dude is at his lesson I shall read on my Kindle.  Yes, I can go a whole day without shopping.... I think!  lol

I don't think I shall be reading .... I had the WORST NIGHT EVER ... I don't think I got to sleep till about 3 in the morning.  I tossed and turned all night.  NOT hot flushes... just a busy brain.  Stressing already about tomorrow... my Mother and her Partner Ron are coming over from Australia, Kelly and Rena are arriving for a couple of days and we are babysitting Emily Friday night till Sunday afternoon. 

It's going to be all go.   And I really am not looking forward to it.

Last time my Mother was here she was super critical.  Apparently I am not supposed to sit down AT ALL.... so here's to a WONDERFUL weekend. 

Stew said before he fell asleep "It's not often I look forward to Monday before the weekend even starts!"


MARY H:  Ha!  Fat chance of that. lol

Back from Pukekohe and would you believe I am getting a cold right on the back of the last one?  Been sneezing all day, got the sniffles again... headache... far out!  Not a happy camper. 
That could be why I didn't get much sleep.  Or not.  Just over everything right now. 

And there is so much to do before me Mother arrives.  If the house isn't fairly decent she will really think I do nothing all day but sit on me arse and 'play' on the computer!  Well... that's what she accused me of last time.

My computer is going in the bathroom again.... starting tomorrow.  And Brylee and Griffin will have to put their PSP's away too.  She HATES kids playing with 'those stupid things'.  Apparently they NEED to be outside  playing.  Whatever.

I'm going to buy that game 'Trouble' and when I want to sit down I'm gunna play with Brylee and Griffin.  She can't knock me for that.

Seeing red right now.
ANON - LACY:  seeing as you only see Griffin once or twice a year, how would you know how often he is using his PSP?
For your INFORMATION:  his speld Teacher said his use of the PSP was great as it involves him having to READ and use FINE MOTOR SKILLS... all very good for his dyslexia/dysgraphia.
AND when it is a lovely day Griffin loves nothing better than getting outside and playing, swimming, etc.
AND Lacy, I thought you didn't want ANYONE to know you were PREGNANT?   Why go and announce it in a comment for everyone to read???   Brain should be engaged BEFORE you hit 'send'.
You want to re-connect with your family?  Great way to go about it.  I only have so much tolerance left ...


ABOVE:  Would ya look at that?  Not a PSP in sight!   Sarcasm?  yep. 

MARY H:  please send me your email  address.  I would like to 'talk' to you personally.  OK?


Thanks Leigh, if I get a chance I will watch it.

ANNE LY:  The other two children Lacy mentioned (Savanah and Tamsin) are her Fiance's children ... who live with their mother.  As for me taking another child in.... AIN'T GUNNA HAPPEN.  I just cannot take any more.  I have raised 6 kids, still got Brylee and Griffin for at least another 8-9 years at least.  I AM DONE.

End of Day:  it's been a crap day.  That is all.
Just did the grocery shopping.  Time to chill out and not answer any more texts, comments, facebook posts... I'm over it for the day.
nite nite.


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