And now... there is:

ABOVE:  my first batch of plum jam.  Today I plan on making at least two more lots... using slightly smaller jars.  And I also want to make some using Artificial Sweetener, so Stew can eat it too.  (he's a Type 2 Diabetic)

I also want to make some pretty fabric covers for the tops.... I know it's not NECESSARY... but they will look so pretty eh?  lol

ABOVE:  Stew got the stable door finished... he said it was a right bitch to do too.  But it's gorgeous!  And I am so happy that he consented to chopping up a perfectly good door.  He SO did not want to do it .... so I am really lucky he did it for me.

Now I wonder if he would do any more for me?  I can think of at least one more I'd love him to chop up!

Today:  well jam making.  And perhaps an outing with the kids... I'm thinking maybe a movie.


Movie will have to be tomorrow now, the movie we wanted to go see is booked out at the time we want to attend.

ABOVE:  we tasted the plum jam just now.... and OMG it is really, really tasty.  Has a little 'bite' to it, just how I like it.  ***there as one jar that was only half full of jam... but now... it's empty!

The recipe said boil for 15 minutes... but mine took 30 minutes to set.... so obviously different plums take differing times to set eh?  
I will be making more shortly...

Did I mention it's raining... AGAIN?  Well.. it is.  Such a weird summer we are having. 

ABOVE:  the first jam jar done.  HOW cute is that?   I know, it doesn't take much to make me smile.  Stew said so too.  Pfffffft.

Thanks for the tip Lynda... I found my pinking scissors, but they were so blunt I got cross trying to cut the fabric with them, so in the end I just cut them free hand:

ABOVE:  all done!  I'm going to make more jam next week with an artificial sweetener.

End of Day: well it's been all about JAM today eh?  lol
ON TRACK:  and loving it!
nite nite.


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