SPEED HUMPS looming.

I'm starving ... (well, sorta).  I am eating all my points.  But for some reason the past two days, I've been really hungry all the time.

Not sure why?

I'm craving almost everything.  Bread.  Sweets.  Pigging out - so want to!

But, I will try and hang in there.  The end result is going to be worth it.  Right?

Today:  no firm plans yet.... we have to hang around the house I think... Joshua is getting picked up 'sometime' after lunch.  Which sucks, cos when it's an open ended time frame, you really can't go anywhere.  


I'm feeling crabby.  Been doing a bit too much 'domestic' shit lately.   Need to get OUT.  


Stew bought some more of me 'Tipple' last night, I've not had any in weeks!  It was so nice to have a few last night, even though I got massively itchy feet! ... might just have a repeat tonight.  OMG, what if I'm allergic to grog???  I know I hardly ever DO drink, but what if I can't anymore without getting all itchy?  Now that would just suck.

ABOVE:  they are rather cute.... but then, I am biased... *smiles*

I'll be back later...

Would you believe... Steve and Becs have taken Brylee and Griffin to the Zoo!  
Poor Joshua had to stay here with us boring old farts, as he is being picked up soon and heading home to Whitianga.

Stew and I are going out...  OMG, just the two of us for afternoon tea somewhere nice.   Hmmmm... got me thinking cap on .... where to go?

I decided we would go to Sylvia Park and pick up some tadpoles and have afternoon tea at The Coffee Club... so we did!

ABOVE:  we got 5 tadpoles, two of them already have back legs.  I wanted a frog too... but they were $22 for a teeny tiny one... so I am just going to wait until my taddies grow!  
If I can wait.  Knowing me... I'll go back and buy a frog .. *sigh*.

NOW... I wonder how long it will take for the kids to notice we have tadpoles in the tank?   lol

End of Day: made chicken pies for dinner... and they were very nice if I do say so!
I tried drinking Bacardi and Diet Coke instead of me tipple, to see if I get the itchy feet.   *sigh*  and I still do.   Damn.
ON TRACK:  well if we don't count the pie?   
nite nite.


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