This is the dress Bec's bought yesterday for her brother's wedding:

ABOVE:  totally gorgeous, the dress... and the girl.

I think we are going back to Sylvia Park today to look for a shawl or pashima to wear with it.  Invercargill is much cooler than up here!  Maybe we will find 'the' necklace too?

My darling man had to go back to work today.  I already miss him.  *sniff*

AND in two more sleeps the kids go back to school too!  
These holidays have gone fairly fast... made easier by the fact that the kids are so well behaved!  Seriously, they have not got on me wick much at all.  Not bad for 7 weeks on holiday eh?

Last night the guys finally go around to applying the fern decals to our little car:

 ABOVE:  The Viva before the decals...

 ABOVE:  working out where to put them...

ABOVE: it wasn't that easy ... apparently....

ABOVE:  surgical precision...

 ABOVE:  Steve and Becs popping little bubbles..

ABOVE:  done.  And it looks quite cool, don't 'cha think so ?

ABOVE: Steve being a dick...  


Bex, the kids and I went back to Sylvia Park, where Bex found the perfect black shawl for wearing with her dress, and a necklace and bracelet to wear too.  So she's very happy now.

AND... we bought two teeny tiny frogs... OMG they are so cute.  Also got a butterfly net to catch flies with... we have already caught several!  
Lunch.... then a quiet afternoon.

WEIGH IN RESULTS:  Stew LOST 600 grams, I GAINED 200 grams.  Not enough to really upset me... I will do better next week.

End of Day:  Bex and I had a lovely day shopping and just yakking.  We enjoyed watching the frogs too... *smiles*
ON TRACK:  and will do much better this coming week.... no more tipple for a start!
nite nite.


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