I am giving fair warning on here.

If you leave me an anonymous comment, and it is NOT NICE, or I deem it to be shit stirring, I WILL NOT PUBLISH IT. NEVER AGAIN.

I had contemplated disabling the ability to leave Anonymous comments... BUT... then everyone would have to get a Google Account in order to comment.

AND OF COURSE ... you can do that and still be ANONYMOUS, cos you can use a fictitious name, and have a private profile... so in actual fact.... it's fairly POINTLESS me disabling ANONYMOUS Comments eh? (which is why I have not done it before Belinda, by the way)

I will be EVER SO CAREFUL not to post anything CONTROVERSIAL on my blog from now on though.  No more pictures that could be upsetting to anyone, no more rants, no more personal stuff.

Hell.... maybe I shall just give up blogging and not have to second guess everything I put on my blog eh?  I kept a diary for years and years... I could go back to that?

I am over it.   MEGA pissed off.

This is supposed to be fun.
It's not sometimes.

If you want to have a rant at me, and I have the AUDACITY to respond.... well hell!  How EVIL of me.  Why am I supposed to take nasty comments on the chin and say NOTHING?  How come it's OK for people to do that to ME, but not OK for me to have my say?
Double standards rule apparently. 
But that's OK.  
Clearly, I shall have to just shut the fuck up.

I make mistakes. I jump in too fast.  I take things the wrong way too!  I AM HUMAN. I AM NOT PERFECT.  I NEVER SAID I WAS.

Yes, I did slip up yesterday and I did ONE THING I regret.  I rectified it.

Knee jerk reaction?  Yep.  I'm a girl and that's what I do.  

ABOVE: now let's see... is there anything in that picture that could offend anyone?  Hmmmm..... maybe!  Someone might think I am advocating sitting on someone's face when angry? I. AM. NOT.


AND NO ONE go and say anything .... cos that might be deemed as DEFENDING ME.... and that's not allowed either you see.  You might go and UPSET someone, or HUMILIATE them for god's sake!

(I have to admit ... I sometimes wonder if people have a go at me in an effort to upset me enough so that I DO actually stop blogging?  It's just a thought) ???


JACKIE:  clearly I did not get upset over JUST the anon person's comments!  I got more yesterday, which I did not publish, or respond to obviously.  I decided not to publish them as they were downright rude and hateful.

It has been raining... and not looking good for a day at the beach AGAIN.
So I shall probably go downstairs and tidy up the garage and sewing area.. it's bugging me.
AND then there are all those photos waiting to be sorted out too....
I'm not going to get bored any time soon!

AND I'm not going to stop blogging!  I love it more often than I hate it.
I am too sensitive obviously, must harden up.

CRANKY:  NO, your comments yesterday were valid, but they did hit a nerve.  
It did not help that I also received 3 more nasty comments from Anonymous people, (NOT the same person who left the original one yesterday)... which really wound me up.

I try to take most anonymous comments on the nose, and usually do not publish them at all.

I can take differing opinions from my own!  I am not that bloody precious FFS.

NOW, back to today:  Stew got all the old photos down from the roof loft and we started going through them:

ABOVE:  these are my Mother's family photos... we have not got MINE down yet!  lol

ABOVE:  OMG how old are these negatives?  Hell, most kids nowdays wouldn't even know what a negative was!

ABOVE: how cool!  some really old sewing books.... some of the patterns can easily be used today.

ABOVE:  seems my Great Grandmother studied Shorthand... and passed.  So did I many moons ago!

ABOVE: check out the date! 

ABOVE:  YES!  Old recipes.  I hope I can read them!  Pineapple Jam.... I have a pineapple in the fridge....

OMG SUPER EXCITED!  We are going out this afternoon to see 'someone/something'... will have photos about it tomorrow!

End of Day:  home at 7pm... rather tired, but OH so happy!  We had a wonderful afternoon... and I will tell you all about it tomorrow... with MASSES of photos!
ON TRACK?  You betcha!   I kinda forgot to eat until about 5pm!  
nite nite


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