Today Bex leaves for Hamilton ... and in a few days she flies down to Invercargill (bottom of New Zealand) for her brother's wedding.
Luckily, while here she has managed to buy the dress, shoes, bag, shawl and jewellery!

Well done Bex!

Also today, I go back to the Hospice shop.  I've been away for weeks so it will be nice to get back.

While down in Manurewa, I shall pick up my new prescription at the Doctors.  Here's hoping it doesn't take long for the pills to kick in again. I am ready to scream with these blasted hot flushes keeping me awake most of the night.

The Doctor's nurse talked to me yesterday too.  She said at my last visit (last July), my blood pressure was up, and they wanted to re-do it soon.  She also wanted me to have a blood test ... but I told her no!  I had a blood test  last July and did not hear a word from them... AND when I was having all that pain with my shoulder they made me have an ultrasound... but did they even bother to let me know the result?  NO.  Not impressed.  Not doing any more tests.

I would change Doctors if it was feasible.  But it's not.  And a new one might not be any better than this lot anyway.  Clearly I'm still crabby.  Blame it on the hot flushes.

Sorry, no photos yet for the day.  Maybe I will find some 'treasure' at the shop to bring home!

LYNDA: duly noted.  Yes, I should have rung them I suppose.  But they said they would let me know the results.  They didn't.  I PRESUMED there was nothing wrong when they didn't bother to ring me.  
I have sat and watched them ring Stew with his results, send him letters, arrange more tests for him, keep an eye on him every month... all because he has Type 2 Diabetes.  It pisses me off that because I don't have diabetes or anything serious, I get no follow up.
When you are told they will ring you, that is what you expect.

I am taking care of my health.  When I feel sick, I go to the Doctor.  I even had their freaking blood tests last time.  Much good it did me.

Thanks for you input... even though it has made me madder than hell.  And that is me being honest.

I will be at the doctor's today, picking up my prescription.  I am going to ask them for the results of my blood tests in July AND the results from the x-rays on my knees done about 2 years ago AND the results from the ultra-sound of my shoulder TOO.  There, taking care of business.

End of ...  lesson learnt. If ya don't want to be 'told off' by well meaning readers, DON'T have a whinge on your blog!  
I am going to try to keep my shitty moods to myself from now on!

Hospice today was OK.  Very hot in the shop, and busy.  I like busy.  Found a few treasures too:

 ABOVE:  jam jars!  Whoop...FREE.

ABOVE:  A Beaver t-shirt, which is really cute, new makeup mirror, big bag of buttons, two key thingees for around ya neck, a cute blue glass sugar bowl and a kiwi backpack for a littlie.
All that for $10!  You just can't beat Hospice Shopping!

Home now, going to have a fairly quiet afternoon... lunch, few jobs around the house, bla bla bla.
Got my hot flush pills too... so gimme a few days and I should be my 'happy self' again.
Sorry for being such a grump.

*** My doctor did not ask me to have another bloody test at all.  They want me to come in and have another blood pressure test in a month, which I said I would do. ***

End of Day:  I made a really nice seafood salad for dinner.... it's a shame the kids don't like it!  They had spaghetti and cheese.
ON TRACK?   yep.  
nite nite


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