Guest Blog - The Weight Loss Plateau

The internet is brilliant for meeting new people, sharing ideas and hearing about personal journeys. I always love to hear about 'real' people and their healthy eating or weight loss journey and one particular individual who has caught my eye is 'Fitness Loving Mom'.. So read on if you would like to hear an insider's story behind an experience of weight loss in action and one of my favourite blogs that she has written...

'Hello, my name is Bella and I want to take a moment to introduce myself to you. I have struggled with my weight for years and in 2009 I suffered with Gestational Diabetes. But it wasn’t until a routine doctor’s visit in 2011 when I was diagnosed as a Pre-Diabetic that it all clicked for me. My determination to become well and stay well has helped me overcome many obstacles. Today I am a strong advocate of wellness and I created my blog,, to hold myself accountable by sharing with others my ups and downs. You can also follow me on Twitter: @Fitlovingmom'

Bella's Guest Blog:

**Tips to Break a Weight Loss Plateau**

What is a 'weight loss plateau'? It’s when you no longer lose weight even though you are keeping up with your nutritional plan and exercise routine.
I have 'weight loss plateaued' in the past, and as it is the kind of thing that could cause a loss of motivation I did my research to find ways I could avoid, and move on from plateaus in the future: 

- Keep a record of the food you eat and the calories/fat/carbs in each meal. This will make sure that you are not plateauing because of an incorrect energy count. I use to write it all down in a journal and look up the calories from a book but today with iphones and androids I simply have an app for that.

- If you do not want to record it all; then make sure that you are eating the correct portions for you. Aim to fill half of your plate with veg or salad, 1/4 with protein and 1/4 with carbohydrates (with no added fat e.g. butter or full fat mayo).

- If you stick to a strict exercise routine, changing it could help; whether it's increasing the intensity/duration or trying a different exercise class at the gym.

- Finally, try meditation or yoga to help lower your stress levels.


A Comment from Me:

A huge thanks to Bella for this lovely blog and insight into her weight loss journey. Bella has shown first hand 'The Power of a Food Diary' in action as well as reinforcing the need for portion control, as I discussed in my blog 'The Eat Well Plate'. I really like the tip on 'changing' your exercise routine too.. it's all about getting different muscle groups working and keeping your cardiovascular system engaged. Meditation and yoga can also contribute to weight loss indirectly by lowering the stress hormone 'cortisol' (which can encourage fat storage around the middle).. so however you like to 'de-stress' make sure you do it and take some valuable 'me time'.

Dealing with a weight loss plateau can be difficult.. but the key is 'Keeping up Motivation' and NOT GIVING UP! Believe in yourself, be confident in yourself and love yourself.. you CAN do it!

Nichola x


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