Steve's girlfriend came to visit him last Saturday... she was only going to stay until Tuesday... but she seems to be enjoying our company far too much.

Cos, she's still here... and has no plans to leave until next Wednesday!

Funnily enough, we don't mind!

She has her uses.

Yesterday she cleaned the family bathroom... you know, the one where the kids pee.   ON THE FLOOR.   I am liking having her here!

She's lovely company.  And she does chores.   

Somehow, I get the impression she wants to stick around too.
Shame she has to leave.... but she has a family wedding to attend and a job to return to at some point too!  

Today:  Bex and I might just stay home!  Or we might go grocery shopping for real this time.

ABOVE:  I wish I had DIPLOMACY like this.


ABOVE: A blogger down in Christchurch has sent me some Stevia, which is a natural sugar replacement.  I am going to try and make some jam using it.  Not too sure how that will work?  But I will try!
Thanks very much Sarah, even if it does not work for jam, it's going to come in handy for other stuff for sure!

Bex and I are going out now to get a few bits 'n' bobs to change the terrarium around a bit.  We want more 'land' area for the frogs.

ABOVE:  done.  We made the left side the water side, and the right side is the land.  One of the taddies is ALMOST a frog!  He looks really funny sitting on top of a big, fat tadpole!  lol

End of day:  another lovely day really.  Kids at school, so I kinda spent the day watching the clock.... waiting for them to come home again.  Derrr.
ON TRACK:  can't say it was a stellar day, but not too bad.
nite nite.


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