My main mission today is to find bugs!

I cannot believe it, but there's hardly any bugs on our property!
No slaters, slugs, worms... just praying mantis!
And our frogs need food!  So, I'm going walkabout in the Botanic Gardens to see what I can catch.

It will be EXERCISE too!  Surely?
I just hope I don't get any strange stares from people as I go bug hunting!  lol
Not that I give a shit really.... 

I bought a pot of fly eggs yesterday, but they have not started to hatch yet.... so off I go to find bugs, I'm quite looking forward to it!   I'm weird, I know.


The GREAT BUG HUNTER ... is back.
I swear to God, I saw NONE.  And every rock in that huge garden/park was either concreted in place, or too big to flip.
There were quite a few people around, so I didn't feel comfortable rooting around in the underbrush... might have been a bit CONSPICUOUS
So.   I had a good hour long walk in the park... and I took some nice photos.

ABOVE:  I saw LOTS of bumble bees and regular bees... but as they were nearly as big as me frogs, I decided not to catch any!

ABOVE:  If this was supposed to tell me the time... I didn't figure it out!    It kinda looks like it was around 8-9?

ABOVE:  prickly, but kinda nice.

ABOVE: neat photo ... I think so anyway.  *smiles*

ABOVE:  I was in awe of this plants' structure!  Amazing.  Want one.

ABOVE:  the Botanic Gardens are so big you never know what you are gunna come across!  I had never seen this 'nautical' scene before.  Love it.  

Now that I am home, I better do some housework, got a friend popping in at lunchtime....  floor needs a vacum !


ABOVE: I just watched a battle to the death!  Did you know that Praying Mantis's bite?  And frogs can scream?
Well  ...  they do!
The P.Mantis bit the frog on the leg and the frog screamed... and ran for it.

But .... once the P.Mantis turned his back, the frog pounced... and the rest is history.  
Frog - 1
Praying Mantis - 0

In the photo above you can still see the P.Mantis's head sticking out of the frog's mouth... OH I DO HOPE YOU ARE NOT EATING RIGHT NOW!   lol

Me floors are vacumed AND I washed the kitchen/family room floor and the stairs too.  A good job done.
Go me.

Just said 'Bye' to my dear friend Jacqui and her sweet baby Sofia.... we spent a couple of hours  yakking and having a lovely visit.  Jacqui even supplied lunch, which was yum!  A filled roll and half a piece of apple slice. 
I also forgot to take a photo of Sofia! How remiss of me... but then, baby slept for two hours so there wasn't an opportunity to take photos.  I am sure I will get heaps of her next time they visit!

My camera is almost like a part of me!  I'm sure Emily thinks it's just how my face looks!  Black camera just sits in front of me eyes is all!  lol

LYNDA:    Was it the praying mantis being eaten that 'bugged' you?  Cos I've fed them dozens of flies too....  If you are so upset about the praying mantis being eaten, you should be shedding masses of tears over all dem flies!  *smiles*

Yes, I'm probably evil.

End of Day:  I've had a really nice day... I loved being in the park, and I loved having visitors too.
ON TRACK:  yep!
nite nite.


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