I ran out of our regular dog food about 3 days ago.
And as I had some TUX dog biscuits in the pantry I decided to use them.  Prior to this, the dogs had refused to eat them at all.
Ummm... for hours neither dog would touch them... until they got REALLY hungry!
I'm happy to say they are now very reluctantly eating TUX dog biscuits!  lol

DOGS - 0
ME - 1 

Diabetes Type 2:  I'm not gunna 'do' anything about this until I see the Dr sometime this coming week.  I am CERTAIN I can turn it around with diet and exercise... but we will see what the Doc says I suppose.

Today: I'm going to walk on the treadmill UNTIL my back starts to hurt, then I will switch to the exercycle.  I am going to do 40 minutes sustained exercise today.  I AM.

And at some point today we have to go grocery shopping too... I am bloody thrilled at the prospect... can ya tell?   lol

I turned up the spa pool yesterday ... I'm hoping it's hot enough by tonight to get in and have a good long soak.  I'm sure that will help me back somewhat.

ONWARD... today is going to be better than yesterday.... for sure!

Well... I did my exercise, I didn't manage the full  amount of time I wanted, but it is a start.

Treadmill : 15 mins (incline 4, speed 4km/per hour)
Exercycle : 10 mins

I'm now going to have a spa, then shower, face on and off grocery shopping.

Lacy is coming to dinner tonight... Steve specifically asked if he could go get her?  He's trying to make amends for last weekend... which is nice.

Yaaa... groceries done for another fortnight.  And Steve is home now, so he gets to help bring it in and put it away.  Me... I'm sitting on me butt waiting for lunch to be served!  lol

Stew made me a lovely chicken salad sandwich for lunch.  We use a super grainy bread, so it's healthy.  We ain't cutting out all bread in this house.  

Steve has gone to pick up Lacy from across the city.  I just heard he got pulled up for speeding.... wish I was there to take a photo!  What a dick.  Kids eh?  They never learn.

DEE: yeah, me Dr said it was most likely nerve endings or fibres within the muscle crossing over and getting caught, and when I got the very bad spasms, it was just the fibres untangling again?  Either way, I hope it doesn't happen again!

DIANA:  I will speak to me Dr about your ideas.  I have not had THAT much heartburn of late, just a few bad attacks which I can pretty much put down to the food choices I made before I got the heartburn.  I should have known better.

ABOVE:  Lacy eating her pudding... and Teddy and Coco begging.   But they got none.

End of Day:  a nice day today.  
ON TRACK?:  Well yes!
nite nite.


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