I took rather a lot of photos yesterday... so here's a few more :

ABOVE:  no room ... dogs cramping your style Amanda ?   lol

ABOVE:  my Granddad looks silly.... 'catching flies' comes to mind...

ABOVE: now that's a nice one...

I cooked Spaghetti Bologniese for dinner, had to grate some cheese... Emily LOVES cheese ... so I have her some:

ABOVE:  she gave it a good go!  

Then I took some cute photos of Rena:

ABOVE: yeah, yeah... I will smile for you Grandma...

ABOVE:  hmmmm..... 

ABOVE:  you know, I DID have some nail polish on me fingers.... where's it gone?

ABOVE:  I'm getting tired of this now Grandma....

I caught Griffin in one of his 'signature' poses:

ABOVE: YEAH..... he's playing on his PSP.... at least he's actually sitting on his bum!  And keeping still.

TODAY: Steve and Bex are going to Hamilton for the day... Stew and I need to do the grocery shopping, so Lacy can stay at home and look after Brylee and Griffin while we do that.

It's going to be a much quieter day.... so I might actually get a bit of housework done too.

The feijoa is from the Myrtaceae plant family and is native to Brazil and Uruguay. Feijoas can be considered as either warm climate or subtropical. First introduced into New Zealand in the early 1900's the fruit was small and it was not for another 20 years before new cultivars were imported that were larger with improved flavour.
The uses for Feijoas are numerous from simply eating fresh through to bottling the tasty bottle of wine. They can be added to fresh fruit salads cooked in puddings and are scrumptious in cakes. The fruit is not the only delicacy of this plant - the showy bright red flowers add life to salads or chocolate log.

There is no way to describe how they taste, you are going to either love them, or hate them.  They are not 'comparable' to any other fruit, they have their own distinctive taste... and I can't get enough of them!

Grocery shopping.... well we ended up taking Brylee and Griffin.  Lacy had a headache.

Home now, got all the shopping put away... and peace reigns.  Time to just relax for a little while before tackling the garage... MY GOD it's a mess!  Major dumping ground for anything and everything.  
Boys 'live' in it ...need I say more?

We weren't expecting Steve and Bex back until late tonight... but the temptation of Cottage Pie for dinner got  the best of them...Oh and Bex's car decided to go.... so they came back early.   Made me smile.
ABOVE:  cute new update advertiser!

Very much looking forward to tomorrow.  The kids have been kinda ANNOYING today.  
I'm starting to think of a way Stew and I can take a weekend off from EVERYONE.... and just spend a little time on our own.   Must go look around at some options...

ALSO: it will have to be (at the earliest) in two weeks time,  as Steve doesn't have a weekend off again till then.... because we would want the kids to be at home, and not leave Lacy alone either.

End of Day:  it's been a fairly good day on a whole.  
ON TRACK:  Why yes!  
nite nite.


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