I must not - Anticipate doom and gloom
I must not - try to micro manage everyone
I must not - presume so much
I must not - look on the negative side so much
I must not - worry so much about things I have no control over!

I am guilty of all of the above.  And I need to stop it.
Life is too short to be so negative.
Things happen for a reason.
And if I can't see that reason right now... I need to relax and know that it will all work out in the end.
I also need to remember that all my kids are grown ups now, and perfectly able to look after themselves... as so many of you lovely readers keep reminding me!

(Brylee and Griffin exempt from that obviously)

I think I need to start up a 'Gratitude Diary' again... so I can list all the things I have to be thankful for.

That might help me see beyond my immediate worries eh?

TODAY:  Hospice Shop.  And I do believe I have a few treasures to pick up today! Fingers crossed it's a busy day too... helps the day go faster.

ABOVE:  remember this baby quilt?  I've put off finishing it for about a year... due to my back giving me such grief when I bend down for even a few minutes.... so Bex suggested I get a professional quilter to do the quilting!  OMG why didn't I think of that?  
I have had one quilt already done by a professional... and she lives across the road from Griffin's Speld Teacher out in the countryside!  
So, tomorrow I will pop in there and see if she is still doing quilting, and give her this one to do for me.


Shopping... work today was very quiet... so the morning was long.  But not boring... I did a bit of shopping:

ABOVE:  I managed to find some little short sweaters for the dogs... $2 each!  In the pet shop they were $28.  SCORE.  Coco looks like a right gimp... I had to yell at her to keep her still to get it on, hence the funny face.  Teddy... well he always looks like that!  lol

ABOVE: Lacy and the dogs...

ABOVE:  my other treasures.. more baby clothes, which we will certainly need as this family is just growing and growing...  two lovely Paris prints for Andrew, as he loves Paris.... and a gorgeous silver set (milk and sugar)... for me I think!  Cos they are really lovely.  
I can 'play ladies' with them!  YEAH RIGHT.

ABOVE:  a better photo of the silver set.  Does not do them justice at all.  

Time for lunch... I'm starving!

A quiet afternoon.... lunch, read some blogs, had a very quick nap... and now cooking dinner.  Which is a simple mince stew and veges.  
Feeling a bit tired, strange considering I slept like a log last night!
Apparently we had a cracker jack thunderstorm and heavy rain?  I didn't hear a thing!
Shame.  I love storms.

Someone asked my about my back?  It's shagged.  My lower back gives me hell if I have to bend down for long... like making the beds, bathing the dogs.... it just kills me!
I am positive there's two reasons for it...

1) 6 kids in 10 years.  And the resulting strain of bending down changing bums, bathing babies etc for years. (and two extra babies in me 40's too!)

2) Being obese.  Excess weight is not good for your back, hence the NEED to lose weight.  And get more exercise.  

End of Day:  a crap day really.  It's pissing down with rain... it's gone cold... and I hate being cold just as much as I hate being too hot!  
Pfffff, can't win!
ON TRACK: yes.
nite nite.


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