Walnut & Oat Vegetarian Moussaka

**Meat-free Monday!**

I first tried Moussaka in Greece and fell in love. I then Googled the recipe when I got home and fell out of love rather quickly.. all that butter and cheese.. no wonder it tasted so good! You can imagine my delight though when I came across this amazingly tasty yet healthy moussaka recipe from Mornflake - click [here] .. which used walnuts, oats and aubergines in a dish packed with other vegetables.


 So, if you fancy making this vegetarian moussaka then you will need..

15ml vegetable oil - I used 1 kcal spray oil instead
2 onions, chopped
100g mushrooms, sliced
50g Mornflake Oats
100g walnuts, chopped
50g wholemeal breadcrumbs - I used Mornflake stoneground oats instead
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
400g can of tomatoes, drained
2 aubergines
For the topping:
1 free-range egg - I used 2
15ml flour - I used 30ml
150ml natural yoghurt - I used 300ml
50g grated cheese - I missed this step!
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

And here's what to do!

First, preheat the oven to 190ºC/375ºF/gas mark 5 and lightly oil a rectangular ovenproof dish (I sprayed with 1 kcal spray oil)


1) Slice the aubergines and sprinkle with salt to bring out any bitter juices. Leave for 30 minutes, (before rinsing thoroughly before using later on) ..

2) Heat the oil (I used 1 kcal spray oil) and gently fry the onions for a few minutes until softened but not browned. Add the mushrooms and cook for 1 minute.

2) Add the oats, walnuts and breadcrumbs (I used ground oats instead) to the pan; mix well and season with a little sea salt and plenty of black pepper.

3) Place a third of the aubergines in a layer in the bottom of the dish. Place half the walnut mixture on top and add the tomatoes. (oops I did this other other way around!)

Yummy veg, walnut & oat mixture
4) Add another third of the aubergines, the remaining walnut mixture and the last of the aubergines.

No idea where I read about adding more tomatoes!!

If I made this again I would leave more aubergines for the top!

5) Mix together the ingredients for the topping and spread over the top.

Perhaps doubling the topping mixture was too much .. it looks more like lasagna now!!

6) Cook in the oven for 30 minutes until crisp and golden - if you use cheese it will look more golden than mine!


7) Serve!! I served mine with salad one night and vegetables the next - this really is such a versatile dish.

Let me know if you make this dish too.. and for more healthy recipes check-out my recipes page [here].

Have a great week!

Nic x


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