NOWDAYS when we want to communicate with someone, the methods are almost endless!

Skype Chat.
Facebook Chat.

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO FACE TO FACE?   I bet over half the stuff that is said via text, email etc would NEVER be said to one's face.

It is too easy to fire off a 'communication' without thinking of how it will be read/heard/interpreted... which is sad.
And no one is exempt from doing it.

I think we all have to think:  "would I say that to your face?" before we do anything.


TODAY: We are going to Hamilton.
Two things on the agenda.
1/  Buy a new spare bed, and maybe a lawnmower.
2/ Visit my niece in hospital... cos she isn't coming home with us after all now.  
She's homesick, so once she's discharged, she's going home.  

I hope she doesn't overdo it once she's home!  

I'm sure we will also catch up with some family too.  Not sure of our plans specifically, but I'm sure the day will be nice.

AND... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR SON RUSSELL! 29 today.  Getting close to that 30 number!  God where does the time go?  I can remember him as a teeny tiny baby so clearly.  He was the most loved wee baby... after 3 daughters it wasn't surprising!  


KIWI CHRIS:  hell NO!!!! Never.

Our trip to Hamilton was excellent.  We managed to get all I wanted from the one store and it will be delivered next Friday all going well. We got a new queen sized bed for Griffin's room (he thinks he's gunna be living like a King now!), also a new lawnmower, line trimmer and some linen.  

Had lunch with Kelly, Rena and Bex,  then we visited my niece in Waikato Hospital...

ABOVE: Maxine eyeing up the Burger King burger we brought her... the food they serve in the hospital is atrocious!  Lunch today was :

ABOVE: spaghetti on toast, some weak soup and super runny custard.  Nice.  NOT.  When we arrived Maxine had been looking at that lunch for two hours!  Looking being the operative word.

After visiting Maxine we wanted to visit Amanda, but they were not home.

Home now... and getting dinner sorted...

End of Day:  tired.  Fed the masses.  Well not really, just us and Lacy.  Must take her home soon... then I'm going to have an early night too.
nite nite.


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