How to REALLY lose weight - Part 3

So, for part 3 of my successful slimmer's weight loss journey.. to read Part 1 [click here] and for Part 2 [click here] - essential reading! A couple of months have now past and the lifestyle changes made were slowly becoming habits.. a few more lifestyle changes were then introduced.

So what were they? ..

9. Being honest with yourself - which made problem solving easier if weight became static or went up on a weekly basis

10. Planned a week in advance and avoided buying high calorie foods with limited nutritional benefit to avoid temptation (willpower dependent)

11. Ensured daily meals were varied to prevent boredom (researched and prepared lots of recipes)

12. Served smaller meal portions and assessed satiety (fullness) levels afterwards (waited 10 minutes after)

13. Used lots of natural (low calorie) flavourings to make meals interesting e.g. garlic, chili, pepper etc.

14. Ate lots, bulked meals with foods inexpensive in calories e.g. salads, vegetables, legumes (lentils/kidney beans)

15. Did not ignore hunger levels, addressed it e.g. a between meals fruit snack, added a salad to main meal, slightly increased portion (extra 10g pasta/20g meat), accompanied meal with a calorie-free drink

Tempting high calorie foods weren't brought into the house..

The lifestyle changes above were carried out over two months.. which meant leading a healthier lifestyle every day.

Look out for Part 4 (May & June) of my successful slimmer's journey - posted soon!

Nic x


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