Apparently Bio Oil has Mineral Oil in it.  Mineral Oil is a petroleum derivative apparently.

so... lots of parents use Johnson's Baby Oil or Lotion.  
Which have as their base?  MINERAL OIL... a petroleum derivative. Hmmmm..... who knew?

I did.  Just because it has the word 'BABY' on it does not mean it is best for baby!

I asked Lacy's Midwife if Bio Oil was OK to put on Keera's feet.  She said YES.
So... we will go with Bio Oil.  THANKS for your input ANON from last night.  I feel Bio Oil is a lesser evil than 'Baby Oil'.  And that is just my PERSONAL CHOICE.

Today: dunno.
I'd love to do some more sewing.
And post a parcel to the family in Aussy.
And get some housework done.

All normal stuff really, nothing riveting happening this weekend I think.

I might pick up Lacy at some point and see if we can find a new charger for her computer too.


I put their travel cases in the laundry for them to sleep in, and to stop them scratching at the door in the mornings and waking us up.  Teddy was the worst at doing that.  He drove me nuts doing it.

Anyway, this morning all I could hear was the dog door flap opening and closing LOUDLY over and over again!
And I got up and sneaked a peek at what the dogs were doing from Brylee's bedroom window.

Would you believe it?  They were BOTH pushing the dog door flap open then standing back and letting it close before pushing it open again... all the while looking at the laundry door to see if anyone was coming to let them in the house!

Those little shits!  Deliberately making that noise so we would get up!!!   

NOW I have to think of another way to stop them making noise in the morning.  Grrrrrr.  
I REFUSE to let them force me to let them in before I AM READY.

Any ideas???

As I was feeling a bit off this morning, I took myself off to bed again.  And slept till 1pm!
After I was up we went to lunch at Masala in Mission Bay, which was just lovely.
Then on our way home we picked up Lacy and Miss Muppet ... they are here for dinner.

Yaaa!  I've done some sewing... I'm onto the 2nd to last step of a pink baby quilt... this one will be for Sienna.  I've already got Bodhi's one ready to go over to Aussy.

Roast beef for dinner... it's smelling so nice!

BEE:  don't worry about typo's mate, I am NOT a grammatical nazi!  I spell tomatoe and potoatoe with an 'e' ... and apparently the 'e' is not supposed to be I give a shit!

I am thrilled to bits with myself!  I had made a baby quilt for Bodhi, but I was NOT happy with it... it was too 'cute and pinkish' for a boy (in my humble opinion) so I added some little blue hearts to the middles and whaaa laaaa.... It looks so much better!
I will post a photo tomorrow, right now it's too dark to get a decent photo.

I also managed to finish quilting the pink baby quilt and sew the binding on... now I've just got to hand sew the back of the binding and it's done!

Then I can post them both off to me baby grandkids in Aussy.

END OF DAY:  it's been a good day, even if I did sleep for half of it!
It was lovely to have Lacy and Keera here for dinner too... Granddad even got to change a nappy!
He's a dab hand at that.
nite nite


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