Gee life is fun at the moment!

Seriously, I can't wipe the smile off my face... I'm just so happy both these babies (Keera and Bodhi) are here and they are PERFECT and so are their Mums.

 ABOVE:  Haylea (8) meeting her brother Bodhi...

 ABOVE:  Sienna (14 months) meeting  her brother Bodhi.

ABOVE:  The totally thrilled to bits Mum (Tess) and Dad (Russell) with their son Bodhi.

ABOVE:  Bodhi and his fan club!  How cute is this?

ABOVE: just in.. the latest photo!  Russell, his son and daughter.  Awwww.

There is a very strong family resemblance ... Bodhi looks a hell of a lot like Russell and a few other babies in our family.  It's so neat to see.

Yesterday when Debs the midwife was here checking Keera and Lacy ... I told her we had just had ANOTHER baby born over in Australia... and THEN I told her we would be having at least 4 to 6 MORE babies in about 2 and a half months!

She looked at me and said "WHAT ???!!!... how?"... hee hee it was so funny to see her face.

I then relented and told her we would be having PUPPIES around late September!   lol

I've got Hospice shop this morning, then when I get home I shall take Lacy and Miss Muppet to their home.
Time for Lacy to be in her own home, and to get settled in properly with her new baby.
I feel totally confident that she will cope just fine.
Keera is a dream of a baby ... for now anyway.  *smiles*

Once I've dropped off Lacy and baby I shall come home and... catch up on blog reading!  Top of me list it is....


ABOVE:  my Cathedral Window Quilt... on today so Jean can see it.  I hope you like it Jean?

Hospice shop was busy again today... steady flow of customers. Our shop is fairly small... but it is the busiest shop in the whole town I reckon! (well, apart from the supermarket!).
Of course, I found treasure:

ABOVE:  baby girl clothes...

 ABOVE: baby boy clothes...

ABOVE: a lovely wicker basket that I'm hoping to fill with lovely 'stuff' for someone's Chrismas present...

After I got home, I took Lacy and Miss Muppet home to their house:

ABOVE:  Keera, snug in her bassinette in her own home.  I will miss seeing her all the time, but it's best for Lacy to start standing on her own.  She will be just fine.

End of Day:  felt knackered this afternoon/evening... probably due to so much going on!  Time to get back to 'normal' around here I think.
nite nite.


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