Yesterday Lacy finally got the courage to bath the baby...

ABOVE:  Gee I hope this woman knows what she's doing... cos I'm not feeling it right now!

ABOVE:  sheesh... I really don't like this!!!

ABOVE:  see?  This is me super grumpy face!  Get me clothes on Mum!

ABOVE:  finally!  The torture is over.... thank goodness. Time to have a big sleep to get over the trauma.

TODAY:  more of the same... looking after baby and Mum.... housework... sewing.... and after lunch the midwife is visiting again.


After Keera's very unsettled night two night's ago I suggested Lacy give her more formula if she didn't settle last night. 
So of course Keera wouldn't settle in the night, so Lacy gave her a 'top up' and what do ya know... baby slept !
Awesome, we have a wee piglet in the house!
She is taking after Griffin for sure. lol

HAPPY ELF MOM:  She is not as yellow today, so won't need to go under the lights for treatment, which is great.  She is feeding well and sleeping well and pooping well... so in all... EXCELLENT!  lol

Just got a text from Russell (son) ... his partner Tess is in labour ... so she will no doubt be having her C-Section TODAY... soooo exciting.

I've been out and done a few jobs.... and am now home, sitting in front of the phone waiting for NEWS!  I can hardly sit still...  lol

There will be a new baby in less than half an hour!!!!!!!!  Tess is heading into surgery NOW....

ABOVE: he sent me this "GOING IN"!  And I told him the next one better be of a baby!!!  *smiles*

ABOVE:  WE have a new BABY BOY!!!!!  Moments old... in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.  Name to come.... weight to come....

WELCOME to our world BODHI ISIA H.

Russell just sent me a little VIDEO of the birth... magic!  Clearly I will NOT be putting that on here! lol
But so amazing!  I wish so badly that I had been there. 

ABOVE: minus the hat.... he looks a bit like Russell did as a newborn... only Bodhi has less hair.  Isn't he freakin cute!!!

I'm wrapt... No# 10 grandchild.
How many get to welcome 2 grandbabies into the world in only 6 days!!!

ABOVE:  Sleeping like an angel....BODHI is adorable! He weighed 6 pound 7 ounces, so just a little man.  3 weeks early, but perfect.

Anyone getting confused with all these babies on me blog?  lol
There will no doubt be lots of photos to come... sorry in advance!  *smiles*

End of Day:  what an AWESOME day!  I'm so happy right now... it's a lovely feeling.
nite nite.
ANON:  THAT is none of your business !!!


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