Mindless Eating by B. Wansink - Book Review

So, I'm back in the UK now and I'm NOT loving this 'summer weather' !! - for non-UK readers it is just non-stop rain here! Anyway, I thought I'd use this time to share with you one of the best books I have ever read. I ordered this book as my 'summer read' and read it cover to cover whilst I was in Spain (and I also plan on re-reading it.. it is that good!!).

Mindless Eating, Why We Eat More Than We Think - by Brian Wansink PhD is like no other book I have ever read before. I only ever buy books on recommendation and am often put off buying books from their title/back cover alone.. I often find myself thinking 'I've heard this before' or 'This isn't new' .. but this book seemed different. It seemed to tackle obesity and over-eating from a completely new angle, and I was fascinated about the author's job title: a 'Professor of Marketing and Nutritional Science' - visit his website [here].

Mindless Eating analyses eating behaviour.. it looks at the factors that influence food choices and how much we eat.. with some surprising results! Brian Wansink refers to his own practical research and studies throughout the book with 'real-life diners' being studied in special restaurants. In each chapter Brian provides practical take-home tips of how his research findings can help you to control your eating habits and ultimately help you to lose weight.

Mindless Eating aims to educate the reader on how to mindlessly eat better.. which means you will never feel deprived, and weight loss will be slow but gradual.. meaning more chance of keeping it off for good. The book is easy to read and is not just solid text - a few funny illustrations makes the book really enjoyable to read. Brian also writes in a really friendly manner - and although he has an amazing ability to translate science into easy to understand facts!

"The best diet, is the diet that you don't know you're on" - I love his motto!!

What is your summer read?

P.S. To see what I was eating on my holiday click [here] !

Nic x


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