Well.... Lacy still has NOT had any proper contractions!  She's perfectly comfortable... weird.
Also, Tess over in Aussy (DIL) has a false alarm too...
SO... still NO BABIES.
The only thing FOR SURE today is that Lacy no doubt WILL go into labour!  Her waters broke last night.... so Miss Muppet should be here today?


I try to buy sandwich spreads for the kids lunches that I know they love.
Brylee LOVES sweet spreads... so I bought a big jar of Nutella the other day.

Yesterday after lunch, Brylee asked me if she could have something for afternoon tea... and I said yes, she could have a Muesli Bar or some fruit.

I was in the lounge.

Bex goes into the kitchen and there is Brylee with Nutella all over her finger and mouth... holding an orange in her other hand.

Bex said: "What are you doing?"
Brylee said: I'm just getting a Muesli Bar"

Bex said: " Muesli Bar huh?.  No you're not... you've got Nutella all over your face!"

Brylee took off to the bathroom to clean up the 'evidence'.

So.. Bex came and told me about it.... cos I yelled out what was going on?

Hmmmm.... I called Brylee into the lounge to tell ME what she had been doing?  She owned up to pinching the Nutella.

My response:  "So Brylee, what time do you think you are going to bed tonight?"

Brylee:  "Ummm.... 8.30?"
Me:  "Think again... how about 7.30!"

And guess what?
I ain't buying any more Nutella!  It is way too expensive to have some little shit eating it out of the jar... and then lying about it.

ABOVE:  she's gunna hate me for this photo!  lol

ONWARD...  Who knows... the next photo might be of .... MISS MUPPET!

Useless bit of information:  My new mattress is exactly 40 cm (16 inches) deep... NOT counting the base!  It's DEVINE !

We have a plan.
We meet the midwife at 1.30 at Middlemore Hospital...Lacy will be assessed.  IF it is obvious she is NOT going to go into labour herself... she will be induced tonight. Yaaa!
So there will be a baby sometime today or tomorrow!

OH and in case anyone wonders.... me new bed was AWESOME!  I slept like a baby.  It is sooooo soft!  LOVE LOVE LOVE It.

Can't wait until 1.30pm... we will know more after seeing the midwife....
Lacy is having NO PAINS WHATSOEVER.  Bugger.

ABOVE:  I'm ready.

ABOVE:  waiting... one is reading "Mummy Porn" and the other is on Facebook.... 

ABOVE: topic of conversation right now?  Tattoo's... Lacy wants to add Miss Muppet's initial on her arm to add to Brylee and Griffin's.
So she was stressing thinking it wouldn't fit.... so I grabbed a pen and showed her it would. 
She's happy now.
2 hours till be will be at the hospital...

ANON:  just so ya know... she wasn't HUNGRY.  She was being greedy.   Read my disclaimer above... the last couple of lines apply to your comment.

HOME.  Induction will take place tomorrow morning 9am.  It could take a while.  If induction fails, a C-Section will happen.

End of Day: I'm off to bed really early tonight... I'm knackered.  Hopefully Lacy gets a good night's rest... cos tomorrow is going to be a long day for her... and me.
nite nite.

EDIT:  she's started having some pains (9pm)... so I had to get outta bed dammit.


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