Student Sports Magazine

I've been asked to write for the UK's first national Student Sports Magazine. July's publication (edition 3), is out right now, and is packed with interviews, product reviews and tips from professionals. Each month, Simon Hartley (Sports Psychologist), Oliver Finlay (Sports Physiotherapist) and myself contribute a topical piece. Last month's topical piece [click here] was all about how an athlete's lifestyle may change 'post season' (after all the major competitions); I focused on the changing protein and carbohydrate needs, based on a change in training schedule. To read the very first edition from May [click here].

Edition 3 .. Featuring interview with Rebecca Romero
To give you a little taste of how this magazine is for everyone, and not just athletes, have a read of my latest article below...

'Rest & Relaxation'

"I believe that you should eat to live AND live to eat, which means enjoying your food at the same time as keeping healthy. ‘Off season’ you will have more time to experiment with different recipes,  which may inspire your ‘training’ diet – after all, variety is the spice of life! Meals should be based around carbohydrates, protein and vegetables, salad or fruit, and it’s up to you to experiment with each of the food groups (instead of having the usual tuna pasta dish!). For example:

Carbohydrates:Try quinoa (it’s a bit like couscous but has more protein and nutrients) or buckwheat (which isn’t wheat at all and is actually related to rhubarb!).

Protein:Try turkey (lean source of protein and cheaper than chicken), salmon or mackerel (oily fish once a week is essential for a healthy heart).

Fruit/Veg/Salad:Experiment with berries, roasted aubergines or butternut squash, and chopped up radishes and beetroot – which go nicely in a summer salad (topped off with grated carrot!).

The key to a relaxed and healthy diet is to keep a balance. I’m a big fan of the 80:20rule - if you eat healthy 80% of the time then you can afford to indulge in the other 20%. Enjoy your food, invest in a few recipe books and experiment!"

Pages 10 and 11 of edition 3

To sign up for free with the magazine, just [click here] and type in your email address, simple! Have a great weekend :)

Nic x


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