Stew was adopted.

Twenty years ago we found his birth mother and other family members.

They live in the South Island, we have seen them only a few times over the years.

A couple of days ago Stew got a phone call from his sister in the South Island.  His Birth Mother is very unwell and not expected to live much longer than about 6 months.

So... priorities change.  We are now looking at getting down there in the next couple of months.

Days of Our Lives.  Yep.  

Today:  well if it's really nice Bex and I plan on going for a walk first thing.  Then home to do some housework I think.

Or I might do some more sewing.  I want to get cot bumper pads made to match the Lemur Quilt.  I'm really enjoying doing this set.  

ABOVE:  how Coco lies on the floor... back legs stuck out like that!  Looks like she's doing the splits.  Apparently it is a good thing she can do that with her legs... Teddy does it too.

Her tummy is getting noticeably bigger now!  She is 36 days pregnant, about 24 to go!  Exciting... but it also makes me think... WHY did I do this again?  
Caring for puppies once they are about 5 weeks old is a lot of work!  Work for ME mostly.

Both dogs go to the groomer on Friday.  They need it too.  


ABOVE:  arty farty shot... love it.

 ABOVE: Cute...

ABOVE: yukky eels...

ABOVE:  I poked this one with me glasses... 

ABOVE:  postcard shot, so pretty.

ABOVE:  this is new in the gardens.  Made of bricks...

 ABOVE:  Bex said it was really comfy...

ABOVE:  so I tried it.  Well it was comfy, but bloody cold!!!

 ABOVE: this was new too... amazing!

ABOVE: it was made of shovels.  !

ABOVE: after our lovely walk we indulged in a hot chocolate and piece of lemon slice.  That was lunch... lol.

ABOVE: The entrance to the Gardens... SOOOO pretty.  This is one side, the other side is the same.

Lunchtime... and we ain't hungry at all... so I'm off to sew and I think Bex is leaving soon too.

LEIGH: in answer to your question:  The Botanic Gardens, Manurewa, Auckland.  Take Hill Road exit on southern motorway (heading south), the  Gardens are on your left immediately as you leave the motorway.

End of Day:  well it's been a non-stop kind of day.  Totally ready for my bed.  I have fielded text's almost non stop all afternoon/evening.  
Must turn me phone off sometimes.
Nite nite.


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