When Lacy and Keera were here this week I got to see baby having a bath... and she now loves it!

ABOVE:  I just love how Lacy looks at her baby with such love, and ya know what?  Keera looks at her Mummy so intently and gives Lacy masses of smiles, it's so darling.

ABOVE:  See?  Keera loves her Mummy... She's got a cute wee smile for her Mum.

ABOVE: I'm sure Keera was trying to laugh!

 ABOVE:  I know... how many bath photos do I need to put up???  Trouble is, there are just so many GORGEOUS ONES, it's hard to choose only one or two!

But OK... I'll stop with the bath shots!  
Here is Bex looking a bit tired the other night....

ABOVE:  I don't know why, but the dogs just love lying on her!  I can be in the chair right next to her, but do they sit on me??? *sigh*

TODAY:  Get all the washing done, always a bigger job on the weekend.
Stew wants to get the lawns mown, our's and Lacy's.  That will take him a while.
Doubt we will go out, we are all a bit tired after a long week.


What can I say about today?  Long.  I've got another freakin headache... and it sure wasn't helped by us doing the damn grocery shopping I can tell ya!

Thank god we only do it once a fortnight.  Saturday, what a SHIT day to do it too.. every man and his dog was in the supermarket ... I came close to screaming a few times.

I'm now going to lie down and hopefully get rid of the headache.
Poor Stew feels as knackered as me, but he's got to do the lawns now, just in case it rains tomorrow and he can't do them again.

I didn't lie down.  *sigh*   Stew is using the weedeater and it's making a hooah of a noise, so I did an update on PEPSI instead.


KAREN:  I got the Giraffe from Farmers.

Stew didn't get around to Lacy's lawns afterall.... once he had done our's he didn't feel like doing more. 
And I did get a lie down after he finished the lawns, and now feel much better.

End of day: I just had a lovely, but quick Skype session with Tess.  Because Sienna is so clingy it's a bit difficult when Russ or Haylea are not there to help with her.  But I did manage to see her and Bodhi... which was neat.
nite nite.


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