Felicity asked me yesterday how do we pronounce Bodhi's name?

Well it's kinda like Bo dee.  Or:  Bode with a long 'e'.

Maybe I will try to do a short video at some point so you can hear me saying it?

PINTEREST:  I spent a bit of time last night making another Board for my Pinterest.  I don't have many Boards or Pins (yet)... cos I don't get a lot of time to just browse pictures!
My new Board is called 'Coco's 1st Litter'.  Now I have a quick reference of our first litter of puppies.  (My pinterest name:  Chris Dietcokerocks)

It was really lovely looking back over the HUNDREDS of photos I took of Bruiser, Rhino, Kiba, Tulip, Bee Bee and Pinky!  I know they all have new names now, but I will always think of them by their 'home' names.

I am starting to think of names for our next litter!  Any ideas people?  I was thinking of naming girl puppies after flowers, but I have no idea for boy puppy names.  So if you can think of some... let me know.

When I got home yesterday after dropping Felicity at her Motel I walked up the stairs and saw this:

 ABOVE:  I was like... "why do you have outside pot plants sitting on the kitchen bench?"

ABOVE:  Ha!  Stew had looked at the 'TO DO' list on the board and had fixed the kitchen cupboard door that was coming apart!  THAT explained it then, really???

Oh... then I got it... the pots were to hold the bits together while the glue set.   DOH!

TODAY:  well I have NOTHING on!  So I'm going to read blogs.  And once I've caught up I might do some sewing.
Stuff the housework.  It ain't going anywhere in a hurry.


I'm not blogging... YET.
See in the photo above how the boys have pulled a couch around into the middle of the room so they can play X Box?  Well... I'm now re-arranging the family room a bit.... *sigh* ... to see how it will look with a big couch in the 'middle' of the room.

I still need to keep an area clear for the puppy pen too... we are going to need that in there in about 33 days or so!  Coco is not 'showing' yet, I can't wait until she is!

ABOVE:  well...that doesn't look too bad does it?  Not sure now where I will fit the puppy pen ... but I'll come up with something... *sigh*

Now wish me luck, cos I'm about to make myself a cup of tea!  I must find SOMETHING else to drink apart from Diet Coke!  I am NOT enjoying my Diet Coke as much as I used to, it's too sweet!  

ABOVE:  I had this blue net tablecloth... and it was too big for the table... so I've hung it in this window.  It helps block out all the washing hanging out there!  Not sure if I like it necessarily, but it will do for now.

Tea:  I had a cup of Earl Grey.  It leaves your mouth feeling quite dry doesn't it?  But, it wasn't REVOLTING like I kinda expected it to be!

NOW... finally I'm happy with the room... off to read a few blogs!

My house smells divine!  I've got a roast of lamb in the oven, cooking in thick mint sauce... I'm starting to drool!

End of Day:  well I got heaps done around the house today, when I didn't even intend to !
Dinner was really scrummy too.  Everyone loves lamb done in mint sauce in this house.
nite nite.


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