I keep looking at Coco's tummy thinking "hmmm, wonder how much bigger she will get?"... so I did some comparison shots.

ABOVE:  Coco today, 18 days to go, or thereabouts....  AND...

ABOVE: here she is the day before she had her first litter of 6 puppies.
So... while she already looks big... she's gunna get bigger yet!

I feel a bit sorry for her!

ABOVE:  a friend down in Wellington saw this street sign in Melbourne and shared it with me. How cool is that!

The girls and I are off to Botany again today... Bex wants to go to Baby City and we all want a Kiwiyo for lunch! lol


An .... INTERESTING morning.

Picked Lacy and Keera up and we girls went over to Botany again...  and of course we had 'lunch' too.  Kiwiyo... I love you!

Then we picked up some bugs for the frogs to eat, and came home.


Now?  I just want to relax for a little while.  I need to.  I'm a bit wound up right now.

I relaxed... really well!  I fell asleep.  Must have needed it.  Thankfully the kids kept quiet ... so I've not woken feeling crabby at them.  It would be easy to do that ... *smiles*
Midday naps are not good for you usually, cos you wake up crabby then can't get to sleep at night.  NOT a problem for me though... I'm shattered.  My brain went into overload with worry this morning... but I can relax again now.  I think all will be fine, and if not there's not much I can do about it.

End of Day: winding it up early tonight.  Just want to chill for the evening... might get to do some sewing?  Maybe a few tipples?  hee hee... that might be an idea!
nite nite.


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