I don't think we have anything pressing on this weekend.
Steve is at work today, so it's just Stew, the two kids and I here all day.
Oh... and the dogs and puppies of course.

Cos I've got nothing better to post ... I give you a couple of darling photos of our pups and Coco.

ABOVE:  how darling is this!

ABOVE:  That is wee Poppy snuggled up by her Mum Coco.  I can't get enough of looking at them, they are just so cute.

ABOVE: after me visit to the hairdresser's yesterday.  Next time I go I'm thinking of getting blonde/chocolate stripes... I've had that before and liked it.

I might be able to leave the pups in Stew's care today so I can get some sewing done.  I've not managed to do any in the last week... puppies an' all that eh?  *smiles*


BUGGER DAMN AND BLAST IT... me laptop died last night, so I'm having to use the PC in Griffin's room... AND if Steve can't get it going again I will lose all me contacts, blog address's, photos etc!  

On a brighter note, all the puppies are doing well this morning... getting to be fat little buggers! 

Most shitty job of the weekend... DONE.  Grocery shopping.  AND OMG it was a mega shop this time too... we had run out of a lot of 'staples'... so the bill was over $700 !  *sigh*   I hate to think what our grocery bill will be like over summer, with lots of visitors!   

I felt very brave leaving the pups and Coco for the hour and a half it took to do the shopping.  They are all fine, thinking I should stop worrying so much!

I think we are going to have a quick easy lunch then go over to Botany for Kiwiyo again!  Yaaa.

I'm a happy girl ... we had Kiwiyo for lunch, then we came home and I had a 'nana nap'... which was much needed I have to say.  I've been getting up twice every night to check on the puppies, and after a week I was a bit tired!

Oh and then I cooked dinner, we had a pasta dish and little sausages... which was very nice for a change.  I bought some pre-prepared pasta things (ravioli?)... and cooked them then added some pasta sauce... delish!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick to death of my dinner repertoire... it needs changing.  I cook the same dishes over and over again... gunna get the cook books out and find some new inspiration.  

Steve got home from work and fixed me laptop... the battery has died.  That's OK cos I run it via the power cord anyway... it just needed the battery to be taken off altogether. So relieved, cos now I can get a shit load of DVD's and copy all me photos... from now on when I get me camera card full I will take it in to have the photos put on disc.

This evening I am sewing... Stew can puppy sit for me. They are all looking great, growing well and seem to be perfectly content.

End of Day:  yaaa... finally got some sewing done... and by tomorrow I will finally have the Cot Bumper Set for Steve and Bex's baby finished.  Then I can get on with another project that is half done.
nite nite.


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