WHY YES, yes we do!
Coco spent several hours last night panting away and finally at 3.45am our first puppy was born... literally in my lap, just like the first time... and it was...

A boy.

Then, unlike last time, we waited for the next puppy for over an hour... Which was...

Another boy.
Then a girl....
And another girl...
AND another girl...

PHOTOS...  And before you ask, I take these photos so I can identify each puppy by their markings:

So..... we have ***7*** new puppies.  All safely delivered over a period of 4 hours.  Stew and I got to watch the sun come up... WELCOME TO OUR WORLD Minty, Chilli, Poppy, Dill, Pepper, Saffron and Sage.

Coco was asleep on my lap on the couch when she started to deliver her first puppy, exactly where she was last time!  EPIC!  AND she delivered on Day 59, same as last time.

Stew will be doing yard work today... lawns, weeding and putting poison on that blasted palm tree that we cut down... it didn't die. Pfffft, so much for it dying if we cut the centre frond.  THAT sure did not work.

Later on today I will be sewing some more.  And keeping an eagle eye on Coco!


only two blog readers guessed the correct number !  I also had guessed *7*!
So, as both girls guessed the number, and one was close to the time and the other was close to the number of boys/girls... there will be TWO PRIZES.

DEBBIE FORD BEMIS and GLENYS :  Please email me your address so I can get your prize in the post this coming week thanks.  ( )

Stew has ducked out to grab some groceries. 

I will try to get photos of the puppies faces today... which I will then post tomorrow.  Their faces are SOOOO adorable! 

We had some visitors this afternoon... Jacqui, Martin and their two children, Joel and Sofia Grace.  It was nice to pass the time with them.  Kelly, Gordon and Rena called in too on their way home after picking up a car.

Now... time to just relax.  Might even have a nap!  I had no sleep last night ... it is bound to catch up with me eventually!

I think I managed to get half and hours nap... tis a bit hard with kids arguing in the background eh?

Teddy.... very curious ... wanted to have a closer look.  So he got in the whelping pen, in fact he went in and out three times... and on the third time Coco growled and snapped at him!  He PROBABLY won't be going in there again!!!
*smiles*  ... it's the only time Coco ever stands up to him.  LOVE IT.  About time he got his come uppence!

Not feeling that crash hot this evening.  For the first time in YEARS I am suffering from serious 'can't go' potty problems.  Not enough exercise no doubt... it's so bad that a trip to the chemist is on the cards tomorrow!  Talk about 'blood, sweat and tears'!
Anyone got any really helpful tips to 'get going in a hurry'???

End of Day:  probably one of the longest day's I've had in many a year.  But so good!   7 puppies safely here and a happy Coco.  She's such an amazing MUM, so devoted to her babies.
nite nite.


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