I haven't entered many blog giveaways lately... but one I did enter just a couple of days ago was drawn on Sunday night, and I WON !
It was a giveaway from a fellow 'quilters blog' and she was giving away what she referred to as her 'scraps'!  Lots of lovely bits 'n' bobs suitable to make strip blocks out of:

 ABOVE:  the fabric I've won...

ABOVE: and what I can do with it!  Awesome.  Looking forward to doing some strip blocks.

Now for something a bit differnet... we often look at houses for sale on the 'net.  And there is a house in a nearby suburb that is for sale that we LOVE.  We'd have to win LOTTO to buy it of course!  But... anyway... here is the kitchen TO DIE FOR:

ABOVE: my DREAM Kitchen.  I so love it.

ABOVE:  yeah, love this too.  

Now... off to make a start on the day.
I am picking up Lacy and Keera this morning so the Dr can check her Hemangioma, I looked at it the other day and it doesn't seem to have grown much more. Maybe it's going to stay at it's present size?  That would be good.


Doctor's visit went well.. the hemangioma has stayed the same... only now the Dr thinks it might not be a hemangioma afterall.   Getting referred to a Paediatrician now.  Might be an 'AV'.  Google it.  I'm going to.

I got a parcel in the post today too!

 ABOVE:  this is NOLA.. a really lovely Chick from Tazmania in Australia.  I told her I loved the ear muffs she was wearing... so the silly (but lovely) Tart decided to send me some!

ABOVE:  I got to choose me colour, so I wanted black of course, cos I wear lots of black... cos I'm 'cuddly'!

ABOVE:  in me new ear muffs.  I love them so much... I put them on as soon as I opened the parcel... went to town in them, wore them at the Doctors... yeah our Doctor gave me the 'double take' look... hee hee!  I also wore them to the mall, and Spotlight too.  
It's COLD and windy today... and my ears were nice and warm!

I know.. I'm a bit of a nutter.

After we have fed Keera we are going out again, I've got a couple of errands to run, then I'll drop Lacy and Keera back at their home.
Then I'm gunna sew again!  

End of Day:  well it's been one of those days where I was hardly home at all.  But I got quite a bit done, so that's OK.
Dinner tonight was burgers and chips.  Funny but nowdays I really don't enjoy chips, so ended up having about 6 then chukked the rest out.
nite nite.


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