Stew went down to Christchurch to see his (Birth) Mother. She is not a well woman, and is not expected to be with us much longer.

Heart failure/kidney failure/lung disease/diabetes... all compounding and making her a very unwell woman.  
She is 68 years old... but due to her ill health, she has sadly aged over the last few months.

I will post some photos... captions underneath...

ABOVE:  Stew's Mum... she has had her teeth taken away... so not too flattering a photo, sorry Janette!

ABOVE:  Stew's sisters, (L) Roanne and (R) Donna.  Roanne lives is Christchurch and Donna lives in their 'home town' of Hanmer Springs.

ABOVE: Stew and 'the girls'. 

ABOVE:  Stew and his Mother.

ABOVE:  Roanne and her family... Matt and their girls, (L) Breana and (R) Tayla.

Stew took some photos of earthquake damage,  which I will post tomorrow.

I better make the most of it, cos tomorrow is going to be HECTIC! (more on that tomorrow)

Today I've got to assemble all the 'stuff' I will need for  Coco's labour.
Vanilla Ice Cream is top of the list!

Bet you can't understand that eh?

While Coco is in labour she will need a calcium boost... it will help Coco's uterus to contract and facilitate birthing the puppies.  So, ice cream is going to help her get calcium naturally, and hey... Coco loves ice cream!  

I think I've got everything else we are likely to need!  

Once I've got that done, I'm gunna sew some more.  I want this Cot Bumper Set DONE.
Tomorrow night I hope to find out what Amanda and Andrew are having... DOH, that sounds weird! 

They are having a BABY of course... but we hope to find out tomorrow night if baby is a girl or boy. *smiles*
Once we know, I can start work on their Cot Quilt... which will have to be done 'on the sly' so no one can guess what they are having.  It's gunna be a secret till their baby is born.


1.  Guess the NUMBER of Puppies.
If you get the number right, you move onto the next step.

2. How many boys and girls?
If you get this number right, you move onto the next step.

3. What time of day/night will the first puppy be born?  

The person who gets the most guess's correct will win the 'MYSTERY' prize.

In the event that two or more people guess everything right... I will put the names in a hat and draw out ONE winner.

*** The competition will be open from Monday 6.30am to Wednesday 11pm (NZ time) *** and ANYONE can enter.


It's been a quiet morning.  Coco has stuck by me all day!  I'm sure she's close to having her pups.  She keeps hiding food under beds/cushions etc... and checking out her whelping pen.  Getting exciting!

Been a bit stressed out today, trying to juggle things for tomorrow.  There is a lot on!
Why do you have days where you have NOTHING on, and other days where it seems like it's going to be 'go go go' all day?
At least I have managed to wriggle out of one commitment... so tomorrow will not be quite so busy.

COCO ... is acting restless... and dry retching... I don't remember her throwing up last time?  Maybe she is just getting nervous like me! 

End of Day:  well Coco is not quite ready yet obviously!  She's been her normal self tonight, starving hungry still... growing her babies !
nite nite.


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