My lovely Daughter-in-Law Tess sent me some more photos of her and Russell's babes yesterday:

 ABOVE:  wee Bodhi.... growing like a mushroom...

 ABOVE:  Russell giving Bodhi a 'top up' and just look at Sienna looking after her 'baby' too... so cute.

 ABOVE:  this little angel has 'cheeky imp' written all over her face!  I love her so much and can't wait to give her a HUGE hug and kiss.... hurry up December!

ABOVE:  Blonde curls just like her Aunty Lacy and Aunty Kelly had a little girls.

ABOVE:  doesn't he look so well now!  Can't believe he was so sick in hospital only a few weeks ago.

 ABOVE:  Bodhi's first smiles and coo's.  


Stew goes to Christchurch.  I am taking him out to the airport at lunchtime for his flight.  I hope he has a good flight... it's so WINDY right now... it could be a bit bumpy!
And it is FREEZING down south now too... they had snow yesterday!  Spring cold snap... brrrrr.
Kinda glad I'm not going now.

Once I've dropped him off I am going to Spotlight for a few necessities so I can continue work on the Cot Bumper Set.  It's turning out to be quite a lot of work!

Think I will be sticking to 'just' cot quilts after this lot is done!

PUPPIES: due between 11 - 13 days! It's getting a bit exciting!

HI!  Very quiet in blogland today!

After dropping Stewy at the airport I went to Spotlight to get more batting... came home and did some housework.

The 'family' bathroom is almost spic and span again... funny how I never use it... but I'm the one who has to clean it when I can no longer stand the state it is in!  Makes me a bit.... crabby.

NOT a good feeling as I'm scrubbing other people's mess up.  And the shower... Massive Ikkkkkk .  Not really nice doing that either. 

Am I the ONLY person in this house who knows how to put empty loo rolls in the friggin bin then?  I found a wet one shoved BEHIND the bloody loo too.  Gross.

Right, I better go and finish it now... just got the sink to go...

End of Day:  well we have had a lovely evening, the dogs had us all in stitches.. more about that tomorrow.
Stew got to Christchurch OK... has seen his Mum... he said she looked like a really little old lady... last time we saw her she was a robust, healthy woman.  So sad what ill health can do to a person.  She is only 68.
nite nite.


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