Bench Pressed Oats - Oomf! Product Review

When I tweeted about these high protein oats earlier this week my twitter feed (@nicsnutrition) went crazy - everyone loved the idea and wanted to know where they could buy them and how they tasted.. which is what has prompted this blog post (they tasted amazing by the way!).

Oomf Bench Pressed Oats are a whey protein porridge which can be enjoyed either for breakfast or before a strength work-out (providing a steady release of energy and easy to absorb protein for muscle uptake). They are ideal for people who are looking to increase their protein intake and you can find out exactly how much protein YOU should be aiming for by watching my videos on You Tube [click here] or you can watch part 1 below. 

So - what's in them you ask?! Lets take my favourite flavour (apple, sultana and cinnamon)..

The ingredients are (main ingredient first)..

- Oat Flakes: Low GI source of carbohydrate and packed with soluble fibre and beta glucan to reduce cholesterol levels - they release their energy slowly.

- Skimmed Milk Powder: Low fat source of protein (keeping us fuller for longer) and calcium.

- Whey Protein Concentrate (15%): High quality, readily digested complete protein - this means it contains all of the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) that the body can't make for growth and recovery.

- Xylitol: Natural sweetener (low GI and promotes healthy teeth too).

- Sultanas (6%) & Chopped Apple (3%): Antioxidant packed source of fibre, vitamins and minerals (tasty too!).

- Cinnamon Powder (<1%): For natural flavour (and cinnamon has also been shown to stabilise blood sugar levels).

The pots are also low in sodium (salt) and free from artificial flavours - sounds good to me! 

And what about the nutrition stats? Per pot they contain (flavour dependent).. ~290 calories (kcal), ~43g carbohydrate, ~20g protein, 3g fat and ~5g fibre.

There's two different types of Oomf! oats on offer.. the instant oats (just add hot water) - perfect for 'on the go', and the breakfast oats (add milk and heat up). You can check out the flavours on offer on their shop [click here] or in store [where to buy].

Oomf! sent me these samples just to try however I chose to blog about them.. I love to share healthy products that are not only innovative but good for you too (all opinions are 100% my own). If you're looking to increase your protein intake/muscle mass then these oats may well be worth investing in however remember that you will NOT increase your muscle mass by eating alone - it's training that does that (the hard part!).

I hope you've enjoyed this product review - if you're looking for more info about protein and healthy recipes using both protein powder and foods naturally high in protein then check out these links:


Have a great weekend!
Nic x


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