Foodie Faves

Figuring out ways to stay on track and eat healthy is definitely a creative endeavor. Especially if you are a foodie like me. I love to eat. Like, love it. There are only so many salads you can chomp down, and grilled chicken gets pretty damn boring if you ask me. So I've been delving into my archives (aka iPhone photos) and looking at all of the yummy and nutritious meals and snacks I've indulged in throughout the years. Yes, I take pictures of my food. Don't we all?

Anyway, this little diddy popped up and I remembered how delicious it is. I stole this idea from Whole Foods after paying $8 for it and realizing I can prepare it on my own. Yes, I am a sucker for gourmet food markets. Whether you have it for breakfast, for a snack, or even for dessert (it is seriously amazeballs with a glass of champagne), cinnamon dusted pineapple is where it's at. Plus, cinnamon aids with digestion and pineapple has been proven to burn fat. Holla!

What are your favorite healthy snacks? I want to know! Let's share in the comments section and trade faves. GO!


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