Well... not too sure who will be going to school/work today! The house was full of vomiting people last night. At this point I'm not sure how everyone is.... until they get up outta bed!
IF the kids feel fine once they are out of bed they can possibly go to school? I will have to see how they are. I'm more inclined to keep them home so they don't take the bug to school.
That will really upset Griffin as his class is going swimming today, and they also have a Cooking lesson before lunch making Pizza's.
I'm probably going to be in Griffin's bad books IF I keep him home!
I am hoping like hell wee Keera does not catch the bug ... or Bex. Keera was here yesterday and the day before.
Seems the bug started with Kelly and her family on Saturday? ... and spread to us. (at least I know it wasn't MY cooking!)
So... nothing is decided about today right now. I'm just gunna to go with the flow. Until I have more to yabber on about, I give you.... PUPPIES! What else! :
ABOVE: Coco kissing one of her puppies...
ABOVE: Little Poppy trying so hard to escape the puppy pen...
ABOVE: Awwww, how gorgeous do they look, peering over the flap ???
ABOVE: almost...... almost........ but not quite.
ABOVE: I really must remember to keep the puppy pen flap up from now on, or I'm going to come home and find puppies all over the house!
Okey doke... time to go and check on how everyone is feeling... and see if I need to make school lunches!
Well... the kids were still vomiting well into the night, poor Stew was up and down to them until about 4.30 am! They are all still in bed. The kids will be staying home from school.
Griffin was so sick during the night he was throwing up pure bile with speckles of blood in it. Quite concerned about him. Both kids have managed to hold down some boiled water this morning... so hopefully they are on the mend.
Stew is not going into work till after lunch.
Steve has gone to work, but he really shouldn't have, he's feeling dreadful. Sadly, he has NO sick leave left after his ankle injury.
I don't know how Bex is yet, she's still asleep.
Lacy was very ill last night..... I have not heard from her this morning yet about how she and Keera are.
Me? Not sure... feeling a bit queasy... hoping like hell I don't start throwing up too.
Bex feels OK. I feel queasy. Stew feels queasy.
Andrew is not well. Amanda and Emily are ok right now... might change though!
Now I'm concerned about The Owens who visited yesterday! I am going to e-mail Mrs Owen and see how they are. *sigh*
Remembered we visited the Midwife yesterday too... so text'd her to give her a warning of what might be to come.
Steve came home from work... and now Bex has taken him to get his MRI done on his dicky ankle. Hope they don't come into close contact with ANYONE!
I have picked up Lacy and Keera and brought them back here so I can keep an eye on them. Lacy is sick, but baby seems to be OK... better to have them here so if baby gets ill I can take her to the Dr right away if she gets dehydrated.
Keera just threw up, but she was smiling at me right afterwards, so I'm not too concerned yet. If she keeps it up I will call the Dr.
ABOVE: Keera looking happy and content... even though she must be feeling ill!
ABOVE: after she threw up her entire bottle... sound asleep. Sleep is the best cure for this tummy bug.
ABOVE: Griffin ... white as a ghost. Poor kids, it's hit them hard. Brylee is in bed sipping on Lucozade... cos drinking water made her gag.
Wonder who she got that off? lol
Right: I took baby to the doctors. She looked whiter than white and was crying miserably. I think it is better to go to the doctor with a baby sooner rather than later, so off we went.
They gave us baby Paracetamol and Pedialyte ... so if she keeps throwing up her milk she will be going on the Pedialyte.
KEERA UPDATE: This afternoon she came out in a weird spotty rash on her left leg... and it didn't go when pressed... which I knew was a warning sign of something possibly sinister, so we took her back to the doctors.
While at the doctors she got the same rash on her right leg.. but it was a bit less than what was on her left leg.
The Doctor made us stay there for an hour to see if the rash spread or changed, but it stayed as it was... so we could come home again.
The rash could be one of two things... a reaction to the viral tummy bug everyone has... or it is viral meningitis.
We are keeping Lacy and Keera here with us tonight so we can take turns keeping an eye on Keera... any negative change in her at all and we are to ring 111 immediately.
So, we are all a bit worried... but hopefully she is just a weird little baby with a weird little rash. *smiles*
End of Day: well it had to happen. Now Bex is feeling ill. That means EVERYONE in this house, and Lacy and Keera are ill. Stew and I have felt ill all day, but have only had the diarrhea so far. Nice I know... TMI.
I think everyone is going to be having an early night... we are all shattered.
nite nite.
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